Last updated on 20 June, 2020

Jira itself can be monitored like any other web site, or server if you are running your own Jira instance. Simply add the host to LogicMonitor.  However, it is also possible to pull ticket counts and other data from Jira into LogicMonitor, and alert on classes of tickets, etc. This is done with the Jira Issues Count datasource.

JIRA Issues Count

Get a count of JIRA issues by specifying arbitrary JIRA Query Language (JQL) searches. This datasource was originally created to alert on “outage” tickets generated by support in order to alert the operations staff. With some simple tweaks it could be used for a number of other uses.


Property Value Notes
system.category “JIRA” Used to associated datasource with a host
jira.user username requires permissions to make the JQL query
jira.pass password password for JIRA user


The datasource will apply to a host with a system.category that contains “JIRA”. By default the datasource will assume HTTPS and that the displayname of the host is the endpoint for JIRA API calls.

jira_proto = "https"
jira_host = hostProps.get("system.displayname")
jira_search_path = "/rest/api/2/search"

There is no Active Discovery for this datasource, meaning that once the datasource is applied it will not be visible as there are no automatically disacovered instances (an instance is a JQL query). To add instances:

  • Select the JIRA host
  • Click the “Manage” button and then “Add Monitored Instance”
  • Datasource: the JIRA Issues Count datdasource
  • Name: a short name of what the JQL query is (this is the instance name)
  • Wildcard value: JQL query


The default setting is to go into WARN if the count of returned issues is greater than 0. This is appropriate for alerting on important tickets (eg “outage”) tickets and the like.


Open “outage” tickets

For open outage tickets, you might want to set the alerting to ERROR or CRITICAL if the count is greater than 0

Instance Name:  Open Outage Tickets
Instance Wildcard: Project='Technical Operations' AND issuetype=Outage AND status=Open

In progress “outage” tickets

Once an engineer has been alerted to the ticket and change the status to “In Progress”, the alerting level could be set to WARN

Instance Name: In-Progress Outage Tickets Instance Wildcard: Project=TECHOPS AND issuetype=Outage AND status='In Progress'

Each instance can have its thresholds and alerting tuned independently.

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