Remote Workforce Monitoring Dashboards 101

It’s more important than ever to ensure your applications, tools and services are available for your remote workforce. Having visibility into the health and performance of these business-critical applications and infrastructures is critical for IT to maintain business continuity. With visibility into cloud applications like Zoom and Office 365, as well as the performance of critical services like VPNs and other tools, your team can quickly respond to issues and prevent outages. Learn how consolidating the many dashboards monitoring individual resources into one single overview dashboard can help to keep your business up and running and your remote workforce productive and frustration free.

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Are you missing your in office battlestation? Maybe feeling a little cramped working from your dining room table? Well, whatever the case may be, you probably don’t have the screen real estate you’re used to.

Building out an overview dashboard can help you keep tabs on the growing list of infrastructures and applications critical to your business and remote workforce, from a single view.

So, what makes an overview dashboard so helpful? Well, at the top we have these knock widgets that display the overall health of several crucial applications and VPNs. Below that, we have some high level metrics, like total users for important services, and the availability of cloud applications. The next row goes more granular on individual component health for certain applications. And at the bottom, we have widgets that will open up more detailed dashboards for that specific technology to dive deeper into their performance.

Each dashboard opens up in a new tab, allowing you to quickly investigate a troublesome resource, or move on to the next possible source of the issue, without accidentally closing the overview dashboard. Double clicking into these detailed views, helps you to investigate an event that may have happened at a particular time.

Get detailed information on an alert, or keep track of things like your monthly AWS spend, having visibility into your entire IT stack, especially those resources that enable remote working, allows you and your team to take control of availability, so that when trouble does arise, we’ll be sure that the right people are aware and on top of it, avoiding frustration for those working remotely and allowing your company to maintain business continuity.

Check out some of the pre-build dashboards as well as other tips and resources to help save you and your workforce time and frustration.