Logs Usage Monitoring

Last updated on 26 August, 2024

The following describes how you can monitor the logs usage for your LogicMonitor account. The usage is aggregated monthly based on the data volume sent to the LM Logs ingestion.

Viewing Logs Usage Data

In the Logs page, select the Monthly Usage icon on the top right.

logs page

This opens the Monthly Usage page displaying your monthly log volume usage. Log volume this month displays logs ingested for the current billing month. This log volume is an aggregate across all resources sending in logs from the start of the month.

monthly usage dialog box

Note: When monitoring log usage, you may see inconsistencies in the reported log usage in the beginning of a month. The log collection is based on UTC time, and logs usage metrics starts at 00:00 on the first day of the month. If the log collector instance is not in a UTC Time Zone, depending on the time offset from UTC, usage report discrepancies may occur initially. The volume number will be correct after the first day.

Select View account information for an overview of usage numbers for all resources in your LogicMonitor account. For more information, see About the Account Information Page.

Logs Usage Reporting

In your LogicMonitor portal you can monitor your cumulative LM Logs usage to help you understand which parts of your environment are incurring the most data usage. The Usage page displays metrics for each LogicMonitor product that you are licensed to use. For more information, see Usage Reporting.

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