About the API Tokens Resource

Last updated on 15 September, 2020

You can use LogicMonitor’s REST API to programmatically manage the API Tokens associated with your LogicMonitor account.  Specifically, you can:

Note: As with all of our API calls, authentication is required.



Resource URI





Resource Properties

All API Tokens have the following properties:






id The id of the API Token set Integer
accessId The access Id associated with the API Tokens String
accessKey The secret key associated with the API Tokens String
adminId The id of the user associated with the API Tokens Integer
adminName The name of the user associated with the API Tokens String
roles The roles assigned to the user that is associated with the API Tokens JSON Object
status 1 | 2 – Whether or not the API Tokens are enabled, where 2 = enabled. Integer
note The note associated with the API Tokens String
createdOn The epoch at which the API Tokens were created Integer
lastUsedOn The epoch at which the API Tokens were last used/span> Integer




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