About the Escalation Chains Resource

Last updated on 20 January, 2020

The Escalation Chains resource allows you to programmatically manage your LogicMonitor Escalation Chains.

As with all of our API calls, authentication is required

Using LogicMonitor’s REST API you can:

Resource URI:



Resource Properties:

All Escalation Chains have the following properties:




id The id of the Escalation Chain Integer
name The name of the Escalation Chain String
description The description associated with the Escalation Chain String
enableThrottling Whether or not throttling (rate limiting) is enabled for this Escalation Chain. If true, throttlingPeriod and throttlingAlerts indicate how alerts will be throttled. Boolean
throttlingPeriod The tags that should be associated with the note. Each tag has a unique id and a name – you can either include the name of a new or existing tag, or the id of an existing tag. Integer
throttlingAlerts The tags that should be associated with the note. Each tag has a unique id and a name – you can either include the name of a new or existing tag, or the id of an existing tag. Integer
inAlerting Whether or not there is currently an active alert matching this Escalation Chain. Boolean
destinations The destinations associated with the Escalation Chain. Each destiantion object consists of at least one stage, a type (single | timebased) and a period (which only applies to type=timebased) and each stage includes a type (admin | arbitrary | group), method, addr and contact JSON Object
ccDestinations CC recipients – these recipients will receive all notifications sent to every stage. Each ccDestination (recipient) will include a type (always is ARBITRARY), method (always is email), addr and contact JSON Object