Selenium Synthetics Wizard

Last updated on 27 March, 2023

Use the Synthetics Web Test wizard in Exchange to create a Synthetics check. The wizard will take you through the process of creating a new web check, choosing the LM Collector to run the check, and (optionally) adding authentication requirements. This Synthetics check uses the LogicMonitor Selenium plugin.


To get started with LogicMonitor’s Selenium Synthetics web checks, you’ll first need to ensure that an LM collector is available and ready to execute a web check, and send the data to LogicMonitor.

  1. Install the Selenium GRID where an LM Collector is able to access it. The Selenium GRID is a proxy server that manages running Selenium checks. It can be used as a hub to run multiple tests in parallel or as a standalone.
  2. Install the Selenium IDE Chrome Extension. The Selenium IDE Chrome Extension is an automated browser recording tool that allows you to produce low-code browser automation tests by recording transaction steps from within your browser.
  3. Update your LM Collector to version EA Collector 30.104. The LM Collector includes a library that uses the Selenium GRID to execute tests uploaded to LogicMonitor.
  4. Add the LM Selenium Synthetics Module from the Exchange.

Create a new Synthetics Web Test

In your LogicMonitor portal, navigate to Exchange > Synthetics > Synthetics using Selenium Plugin to open the New Synthetics Web Test wizard.