Remote Session

Overview The Remote Session feature in LogicMonitor provides a secure way to remotely access and operate on devices from within your LogicMonitor portal. Remote sessions are enabled via the use of Apache Guacamole, a clientless remote desktop gateway that requires no plugins or client software. The remote session protocols available for establishing a communication stream … Continued

Controlling which Collector monitors a device

When adding a device manually, you will also need to select the Preferred Collector, which is the Collector that should monitor that device. For devices discovered using NetScan, the Collector that discovered the device is automatically assigned to monitor it. If needed, you can change the Preferred Collector for a resource manually. How do I … Continued

Resource and Instance Properties

Overview Resource and instance properties are sets of key-value pairs that store data for resources (i.e. devices, application hosts, cloud accounts, etc.) and the instances being monitored on those resources. Properties serve many purposes across LogicMonitor’s operations, including: Note: This article focuses on properties set on resources and their monitored instances; however, monitored websites can … Continued

How DataSources Get Applied to Resources

Overview DataSources define what numeric time-series data should be collected for the various resources you would like to monitor (e.g. device, application, database, cloud account, etc.). In addition to defining the type of data that is collected, DataSources also define how that data is collected, and what constitutes alert conditions. LogicMonitor installs with more than … Continued

Managing, Deleting and Restoring Devices

Device configurations are managed from the Resources page. Navigate to the device in the Resources tree and click the Manage button in the top right corner of the Resources page, as shown in the following screenshot. For detailed information on the configurations that are available for updating from the Manage dialog, see Adding Devices. Managing … Continued

Graphs Tab

Overview Available from the Resources page, the Graphs tab provides instance-level graphs for the current resource. The various graphs that display are defined in the DataSource definition, as discussed in DataSource Graphs. When viewing the Graphs tab, you will see different results and options depending upon whether an instance, instance group, DataSource, or resource is … Continued

Adding Devices

Overview As discussed in the following sections, devices can be added to your LogicMonitor account for monitoring using several different methods. Once a device has been added and communication with that device is established, LogicMonitor will add the device to the Resources page of your LogicMonitor account. Device information is stored as system properties which … Continued