Help Constructing Cron Expressions

A CRON expression is a string comprising 5 fields separated by white space that represents a set of times, normally as a schedule to execute some routine.   Format * in the value field above means all legal values as in braces for that column. The value column can have a * or a list of elements … Continued

Troubleshooting JobMonitor Monitoring

“I set up everything, the JobMonitor wrapper ran my script… but there are no execution records on the Devices page” Let’s assume you use the following command line to wrap your script myserver “my job name” /usr/local/myjobscript where is the device on which the collector is running, and 7214 is the collector … Continued

Examples of JobMonitor Monitoring

Use the following JobMonitor examples, Monitoring a Linux Cron Job and Monitoring a Windows Scheduler Task, to gain a better understanding of the job monitoring process. This process usually includes four steps: Example 1: Monitor Linux Cron Job Assume the monitored device in LogicMonitor is app1, and the collector monitoring app1 runs on the device agenthost. There is a cron job cleanlogs running at … Continued

Can LogicMonitor monitor custom data for my job?

Yes, you can have your monitored batch jobs report other custom data to LogicMonitor, for informational purposes.  This data will be displayed in LogicMonitor, but it won’t be used for alerting or graphing purposes.  The custom data reported to LogicMonitor can be any desired information, for example it could be static content such as “reportSentTo: … Continued

Running your job so it can be monitored

In order for LogicMonitor to monitor batch jobs, they should be run within one of the LogicMonitor supplied wrappers.  Wrappers are supplied for both Windows and Linux systems, in the lib directory of the Collector, logicmonitor/agent/lib. The Windows wrapper is lmbatchjobwrapper.js The Linux wrapper is Requirements Batch job status is reported to a collector … Continued

Creating JobMonitor Definitions in LogicMonitor

Overview JobMonitors on Windows and Linux/Unix systems can be monitored to ensure the jobs start on time, complete when expected, and exit with the proper exit code. Creating JobMonitors JobMonitor definitions are available for viewing/editing from the Settings menu (Settings | LogicModules | JobMonitors). Unlike other types of LogicModules such as DataSources or EventSources, your … Continued

JobMonitor LogicModules

LogicMonitor can monitor batchjobs on Windows and Linux/Unix systems to ensure jobs are started on time, complete when expected and exit with the expected exit code.  You can also configure custom data to be reported to LogicMonitor for each job.  Each monitored batchjob needs to have a definition in LogicMonitor that tells your collector when … Continued