The Future CIO

Digital transformation and the shift to remote working put CIOs in the spotlight.

Now that the CIO is front and center, it’s more important than ever to have constant visibility over the business’s networks. However, following a year of unprecedented change, IT leaders are not completely confident that their current infrastructure is crisis-proof. In this report, uncover why a holistic view of your business is key to CIO progress, how to demonstrate IT’s value to the board, and some future looking challenges for CIOs.

The Future CIO Raconteur Report Magazine Cover

In the event of a crisis, IT leaders have a number of concerns:

  • 49% are concerned about having to deal with internet outages or other technical issues remotely
  • 49% fear a strain on the network from having too many individuals logging in remotely
  • 38% consider coworkers logging in through VPNs a top concern
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With IT infrastructures becoming increasingly tricky to manage, automation could be the answer.

Advantages of IT automation as ranked by IT leaders