User Defined Secrets in LM Container

A Secret is an object that contains a small amount of sensitive data such as a password, a token, or a key. Kubernetes Secrets allows you to configure the Kubernetes cluster to use sensitive data (such as passwords) without writing the password in plain text into the configuration files. For more information, see Secrets from Kubernetes documentation. Requirements for Configuring User Defined … Continued

Monitoring Kubernetes Clusters with kube-state-metrics

kube-state-metrics (KSM) monitors and generates metrics about the state of the Kubernetes objects. KSM monitors the health of various Kubernetes objects such as Deployments, Nodes, and Pods. For more information, see kube-state-metrics (KSM) from GitHub. You can use the kube-state-metrics-based modules available in LM Exchange in conjunction with the new LM Container Helm charts to gain better visibility of … Continued

Kubernetes etcd Monitoring

etdc is a lightweight, highly available key-value store where Kubernetes stores the information about a cluster’s state. For more information, see Operating etcd clusters for Kubernetes from Kubernetes documentation. LogicMonitor can only monitor etcd clusters that are deployed within a Kubernetes Cluster, and not those that are deployed outside of the cluster. Requirements for Monitoring etcd Ensure you … Continued

Kubernetes Controller Manager Monitoring

The Controller Manager are control loops that continuously watch the state of your cluster loop in a Kubernetes cluster. The Controller Manager monitors the current state of your cluster through the API Server and makes appropriate changes to keep the application running by ensuring sufficient Pods are in a healthy state. For more information, see Controllers from … Continued

NGINX Ingress Controller Monitoring

The Ingress is a Kubernetes resource that exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster. The cluster must have an ingress controller running for the Ingress resource to work. For more information, see Ingress and Ingress Controllers from Kubernetes documentation. NGINX Ingress Controller is a type of ingress controller that runs in a cluster and configures an … Continued

Monitoring Amazon EKS Cluster with LogicMonitor

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a managed Kubernetes service that helps you run Kubernetes on any standard Kubernetes environment (AWS). Using Amazon EKS, you can run Kubernetes without installing and operating a Kubernetes control plane or worker nodes. LogicMonitor helps you to monitor your Amazon EKS environments in real-time. For more information, see What is Amazon EKS from Amazon documentation. LogicMonitor officially supports running LM … Continued

Kubernetes Monitoring Considerations and Required Permissions

Kubernetes Monitoring Considerations Kubernetes Monitoring Dependencies The following image displays how LogicMonitor’s application runs in your cluster as a pod. Note: LogicMonitor’s Kubernetes monitoring integration is an add-on feature called LM Container. You may contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) for more information. LogicMonitor Portal Permissions Kubernetes Cluster Permissions  There are minimum permissions that are … Continued

Resource Sizing for Performance Optimization and Tuning Recommendations

The following table provides guidelines on provisioning resources for LogicMonitor components to have optimum performance and reliable monitoring for the Kubernetes cluster: Collector Size Medium Large  Maximum Resources with 1 collector replica 1300 resources 3600 resources Argus and CSC Version Argus Version – v7.1.2CSC Version – v3.1.2 Argus Version – v7.1.2CSC Version – v3.1.2 Collector … Continued

Kubernetes and LM Containers Key Concepts and Terms

Concepts or Terms Description Cluster A set of machines, called nodes, that run containerized applications managed by Kubernetes. Container  A lightweight and portable executable image that contains software and all of its dependencies. In LogicMonitor, containers are discovered for each monitored pod. Node A node is a worker machine in Kubernetes. A node is a … Continued

Kubernetes API Server Monitoring

The API server is the front end of the Kubernetes Control Plane. It exposes the HTTP API interface, allowing you, other internal components of Kubernetes, and external components to establish communication. For more information, see Kubernetes API from Kubernetes documentation.  The following are the benefits of using Kubernetes API Server:  Use Case for Monitoring Kubernetes API Server Consider a … Continued