Kubernetes API Server Monitoring

The API server is the front end of the Kubernetes Control Plane. It exposes the HTTP API interface, allowing you, other internal components of Kubernetes, and external components to establish communication. For more information, see Kubernetes API from Kubernetes documentation.  The following are the benefits of using Kubernetes API Server:  Use Case for Monitoring Kubernetes API Server Consider a … Continued

Kubernetes Control Plane Monitoring Overview

A Kubernetes cluster consists of worker machines that are divided into worker nodes and control plane nodes. Worker nodes host your pods and the applications within them, whereas the control plane node manages the worker nodes and the Pods in the cluster. The Control Plane is an orchestration layer that exposes the API and interfaces to define, deploy, and manage … Continued

Kubernetes Scheduler Monitoring

The Kubernetes Scheduler is a core component of Kubernetes, which assigns pods to nodes through a scheduling process based on available resources and constraints. Monitoring the Kubernetes Scheduler service is crucial in determining its ability to efficiently use resources and handle requests at acceptable performance levels. The following are the benefits of using Kubernetes Scheduler:  Use Case for … Continued

Troubleshooting Common Kubernetes Issues

Multiple Operation Updates get Generated for Annotations and Labels Cause If an annotation or label updates on a Kubernetes resource frequently (every 1 minute), then multiple operation updates occur despite no considerable changes. Resolution Add annotations.ignore and labels.ignore fields with variables (displayed in the following table) under argus.monitoring section to ignore unnecessary updates of annotations or labels using Helm. For more information on syntax, … Continued

Upgrading LM Container Charts

Requirements for Upgrading LM Container Charts Methods of LM Container Charts Upgrade You can upgrade LM Container Charts as follows: Upgrading LM Container Charts using Upgrade Wizard Upgrading LM Container Charts using Command-Line Interface For more information on the list of values and their descriptions used in the lm-container-configuration.yaml file, see Values Schema Reference from ArtifactHUB. For more … Continued

Running a Linux Collector in a Docker Container as a Non-Root User

Container security best practices recommend running Docker containers as non-root users with the minimum necessary privileges to perform their intended tasks. This helps to limit the impact of any security breaches and makes it easier to manage and secure your Docker environment. By following the best practices, users can now run the LM Container collector … Continued

About LogicMonitor Container Monitoring

What is Container Monitoring? What are the advantages of Container Monitoring? LM Container provides organizations insight into the performance of applications running in containers and the health of the underlying container resources and orchestrating components.                                             To get the most out of deployment, LogicMonitor presents these insights alongside your organization’s existing monitored hybrid infrastructure in a … Continued

Cisco UCCX Monitoring

LogicMonitor’s Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (UCCX) monitoring package leverages the Unified CCX Configuration API, the CTI protocol, and the UCCX CLI to monitor a variety of UCCX system information and agent call statistics. Compatibility As of March 10th 2022, LogicMonitor’s UCCX package is known to be compatible with: Setup Requirements Add Resources into Monitoring … Continued