Kubernetes Control Plane Monitoring Overview

A Kubernetes cluster consists of worker machines that are divided into worker nodes and control plane nodes. Worker nodes host your pods and the applications within them, whereas the control plane node manages the worker nodes and the Pods in the cluster. The Control Plane is an orchestration layer that exposes the API and interfaces to define, deploy, and manage … Continued

Kubernetes Scheduler Monitoring

The Kubernetes Scheduler is a core component of Kubernetes, which assigns pods to nodes through a scheduling process based on available resources and constraints. Monitoring the Kubernetes Scheduler service is crucial in determining its ability to efficiently use resources and handle requests at acceptable performance levels. The following are the benefits of using Kubernetes Scheduler:  Use Case for … Continued

Troubleshooting Common Kubernetes Issues

Multiple Operation Updates get Generated for Annotations and Labels Cause If an annotation or label updates on a Kubernetes resource frequently (every 1 minute), then multiple operation updates occur despite no considerable changes. Resolution Add annotations.ignore and labels.ignore fields with variables (displayed in the following table) under argus.monitoring section to ignore unnecessary updates of annotations or labels using Helm. For more information on syntax, … Continued

Retaining Deleted Kubernetes Resources

By default, Argus deletes resources immediately. If you want to retain resources, you can configure the retention period to delete resources after the set time passes. You must configure the following parameters in the Argus configuration file: Set the DeleteDevices parameter to false.Note: Argus moves deleted resources to _deleted dynamic device group, and the alerts … Continued

Monitoring Kubernetes Clusters with KSM

kube-state-metrics (KSM) monitors and generates metrics about the state of the Kubernetes objects. KSM monitors the health of various Kubernetes objects such as Deployments, Nodes, and Pods. For more information, see kube-state-metrics (KSM) documentation. You can now use the kube-state-metrics-based modules available in LM Exchange in conjunction with the new Argus and Collector Helm charts … Continued

Filtering Kubernetes Resources for Monitoring

Argus discovers all Kubernetes resources that are monitored by LogicMonitor. In addition, you can use Argus to exclude resources from monitoring. You can add resource filters in the Argus configuration files under the filter parameters. The rule engine evaluates rules sequentially; when the first rule is met and is evaluated as true, the rule engine … Continued

Installing Argus and Collectorset-Controller

Argus is a tool for monitoring Kubernetes with LogicMonitor. Argus runs as a Pod in your cluster and uses LogicMonitor’s API to add Nodes, Pods, Services, and resources into monitoring. Once in monitoring, data collection starts automatically. Argus uses Kubernetes API to collect data for all monitored resources. Additionally, you can leverage LogicMonitor DataSources to … Continued

Configurations Parameters

Configuring Collectorset-Controller using Helm Charts The Collectorset-Controller Helm chart supports the following values:Required Values Parameters Description accessID (default: “”) The LogicMonitor API key ID accessKey (default: “”) The LogicMonitor API key account (default: “”) The LogicMonitor account name Optional Values Parameters Settings Parameters Description imageRepository (default: “logicmonitor/collectorset-controller”) The image repository of the Collectorset-Controller container imageTag … Continued