August 2014: LogicMonitor’s Favorites from Around the Web

Too busy to keep up with what’s happening on the Web? Never fear. Starting this month, LogicMonitor will begin posting our favorite tech articles, blog posts, ebooks, videos, podcasts, cat pictures and more every month. Our favorites from August:

  • Duncan Epping posted the first of his new series titled “VMware / ecosystem / industry news flash,” which will be a series of highlights in the world of VMware.
  • Great post about the hybrid cloud model, titled “The Epic Moment of Hybrid Cloud”.
  • Last but not least, a bug report where OpenOffice failed to print but only on Tuesdays. Turns out it was only one specific printer so it is more of a humorous edge case than an actual bug. Still a fun read.

What were your favorite posts from around the Web in August? Share them here by posting in the comments field.