Cultivating Wellness in a Global Health Crisis

Cultivating Wellness in a Global Health Crisis

2020 isn’t exactly the type of year we will look back on fondly; however, it’s truly amazing how LogicMonitor employees (LMers) rallied together to support one another and level up their own personal wellness journeys.

LM Well is one of our foundational initiatives at LogicMonitor. It exists to share global, culture-building conversations around the various facets of wellness. It’s a space where LMers get to know one another as whole people so they can understand themselves and others better. While improving their own personal wellbeing, they improve the shared LogicMonitor work environment.

Employee Assistance Program

When the pandemic upended our lives just over a year ago, many companies scrambled to implement new programs to support employee wellbeing. It wasn’t clear what the timeline would be or the extent of the impact this collective experience would have on everyone. One of the most practical benefit additions employers turned to is the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). An EAP is an employer-paid benefit designed to provide a number of different resources to employees and can include resources on stress management, legal assistance, or even tax advice through an online portal. One of the key features of an EAP is free counseling sessions for employees and their dependents. At LogicMonitor, we didn’t have to scramble to implement this benefit because it has always been an integral part of our total rewards program. We introduce this benefit to LMers on their first day and we talk about it consistently, especially through the LM Well group. It was a relief knowing that our employees could access these important resources on day one of the pandemic.  

World Mental Health Day

As each anticipated return back to “normal” date was pushed out, we sensed that the emotional and mental health impact was an important aspect to address in our new, fully virtual workplace. For World Mental Health Day, LogicMonitor hosted a live company-wide webinar with a partner in the UK that focused specifically on maintaining mental health and well-being in high functioning organizations. After a great response to that session, we increased our investment to provide another company-wide live session with a partner out of Austin, Texas focusing on mindfulness. This partnership went a step further by taking a small group of LMers through a multi-session mindfulness workshop that provided participants with specific tools to practice mindfulness in support of their mental health during this particularly stressful time. 

Prioritizing Wellness and Striving To Be #Bettereveryday

While these initiatives have been important, the most significant impact has been LMers supporting one another in a true display of the #oneteam spirit. We have seen this in LM Well through community posts in Slack on the topic of the month, often from members who represent other community groups and share intersectional resources and experiences. LMers passionately share their specific areas of interest related to wellness and encourage each other constantly, striving to be #bettereveryday. With a seemingly endless number of Slack channels where roughly 700 LMers can engage on just about any topic they care about, the 450+ participants in the LM Well channel demonstrate the engagement, reach, and interest our community has surrounding these important topics.  

Despite the enthusiasm with which LMers engage with LM Well, constantly generating content can be exhausting. So this year we’ve changed things up a bit. We’ve kept community member posts but added a new feature called ‘Wellness Spotlights’, highlighting different LMers across the organization by compiling answers from a series of wellness questions. These spotlights have been a hit. We have loved hearing from folks who might not have otherwise “raised their hand” to write their own post, and we have gleaned important wellness insights. These spotlights ensure that LM Well continues to be a community by and for LMers. 

As we look towards the year ahead, with a lot of hope for a return to “normal”,  it’s safe to say we have a new, more holistic view of what wellness means. There is an incredible amount of gratitude for our robust benefits programs, the bright minds of LMers, and the strength found in the global LM community.