What you didn’t know about LogicMonitor’s new Alerts UI

The beta version of the new Alerts UI has been available to LogicMonitor users for a few months now.  If you haven’t tried it yet, you should (keep reading to find out how).  But even those who’ve tried the sexier new UI may not have noticed all the sweet new features we’ve introduced along with it. 

See the information that’s important to you

The current UI can tell you a lot about your alerts at a glance.  But sometimes that’s too much information, sometimes not enough, and sometimes it’s just not the right information. (Who knew monitoring had so much in common with Goldilocks!)  In the new UI, we’ve added four additional columns of data (Escalation Chain, Alert Rule, Cleared On, and In SDT) and we allow you to add, remove, and arrange columns in any way that makes sense for you.  Just click the Settings button above the Alerts table and choose “Manage Columns”.  You’ll be able to select, unselect and drag the column options however you choose.

Giddy with all the new information you have access to, but don’t have enough pixels to show it all?  Click that ‘Settings’ button again and you can make the font size smaller and even choose how many alerts to show at one time.  Plus, you can drag columns to whatever width you like.

Filter on just about anything

The four most common filters (Group, Device, Datasource, Datapoint) are readily apparent at the top of the alerts table.  And clicking the “more” filter dropdown gives you access to six additional filters (Alert Rule, Escalation Chain, Severity, Acknowledged, In SDT, and Cleared).

The Cleared filter (and “Cleared On” column) allows you to see the last seven days of cleared alerts (or cleared and active alerts), which is pretty helpful when you want to get a feel for alert response times or just how often a particular alert has been occurring on a particular device.

For a faster, broader search, you can use the new “Search Anything” tool, which searches across all visible columns.

Everyone has a different workflow when it comes to alerts.  And you need specific information at different times.  The new column and filtering options are flexible enough to handle those situations.  You’ll be able to quickly find the information you want so you can know what’s going on and fix it.

View and copy error messages with ease

Sometimes the little things make a big difference.  The current UI gives you error messages in a hover tip, which makes it impossible to select the message for copying (as soon as you move your mouse, the tips disappear).

In the new UI, we’ve made a concerted effort to not depend on secondary mouse interactions (right-click and hover, specifically), and the alert messages are no exceptions.  Just click on any alert to see the new Alert Details screen, which not only provides the message in a more readable format, but also makes it selectable and, yes, copyable.

All the important stuff is just a click away

Alert Details (above) allows you to make notes, schedule down time (either for the selected alert, or the entire device), acknowledge the alert, or escalate the alert to the next person in the relevant Escalation chain.  And if you receive alerts by email or SMS, the link provided in those messages will give you the same easy Alert Details screen in a mobile-friendly format.

There are other little UI helps like row highlighting for easier readability, but part of the joy is in the discovery, so we won’t ruin the surprise.  If you haven’t seen the new, better, sexier alerts page yet, go to Settings > Roles and Users.  Edit your user profile (or ask your admin to do it) and select “Use New UI”.  Once you’ve saved your user and refreshed the page, you’ll see a link at the top of the page that says “toggle UI”, which will allow you to switch back and forth between the new and the current UI.

Once you’ve used the beta version of the new Alerts page, let us know what you think by clicking the blue “Feedback” button on the right edge of the screen.  Our goal has been to make the Alerts page simpler, easier, and perhaps even a little more enjoyable (which is not a word usually associated with alerts).  We’d love to know if we’re on the right track and what we can do to make it even better.