Top Three Issues in Enterprise Transformation

Originally posted on Building the Converged Branch by Scott Koegler.

Every company works its own set of priorities for each project. But the transformation of an enterpriser’s technology infrastructure is an endeavor that can make or break a company.

LogicMonitor Chief Product Officer and Founder Steve Francis has defined his top three issues that need to be addressed in order to make a technology change not only possible, but wildly successful. Francis’ top targets are:

Seamless infrastructure analysis: There is a growing need for a single platform that can alert on performance issues in an automated and proactive way, that offers IT teams a breadth of tools to help analyze areas like network traffic, and that resolves those issues quickly. Using one tool to automate makes the process that much more simple.

“Moving non-core apps into public clouds: The speed and agility that cloud provisioning offers over internal IT provisioning provides a strategic advantage, which makes the cost savings of cloud infrastructure irrelevant. Enterprises that rightly see their customer’s Internet experience as an extension of their brand experience know that any delays adversely affect them in the marketplace. Further, since most IT projects take longer than desired as it is, saving weeks or months on the provisioning cycle makes for significant results.

IT has to become a facilitator: Purchases are being made by other departments for services previously provided for directly by IT (CRM systems, marketing automation, cloud services). IT has to work to ensure it maintains and measures corporate standards for these services in security, availability and interoperability, without slowing down the ability of departments to act directly. IT will have to ensure the data the company cares about is secure, regardless of where it is, and that the data is available to be integrated into data analysis tools to support company initiatives.”

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