Employee Spotlight: Patrick Sites

LogicMonitor employee Spotlight, Patrick Sites

Position: LM Logs Sales Specialist

How long have you been at LogicMonitor?

I’ve been at LogicMonitor for 7 months.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

I love the interaction with multiple facets of the business and different teams like dev, product, pre-sales/post-sales, professional services, and marketing. Being able to have an influence on the future of the product and how we message and go to market today is a huge aspect of why I love my role.

What do you find most challenging about your job?

While LogicMonitor is an established brand and has a lot of maturity as a product, the logs product has room for growth. It’s a challenge to work through issues or lack of features at times but this adds to the reward as these things ebb and flow.

What LogicMonitor features are you most excited about?

The Logs 2.0 launch is really helping us position internally that the product is maturing and ready to be sold. Early challenges are now behind us and there’s a lot of excitement around new features. For example, 1-year retention should enable our sellers to confidently take this product to market.  

If you could learn one new professional skill, what would it be?

Coding or programming language. Apps rule our lives in so many ways and having a better understanding of the language used to build them at a deeper level would be hugely beneficial.

What advice would you give to other people in your field of work?

Don’t focus completely on your own product, module, or function. Of course, this is important and goes without saying, but understanding your segment of the industry as a whole, knowing who your competitors are, and the overall landscape will give you credibility with your customers or the team you support. Knowing “why” is just as important as showing “how”.

If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?

Oh, that’s a tough one. I’ve had many amazing mentors in my professional and personal life but if I could have a dream mentor, I think it would be someone like Mark Cuban. He has the business and technical acumen aspects of business and success nailed. He also has an average guy approach and outlook on the world as well and I respect that a lot.

What is your favorite way to relax?

I am a musician and love performing or just playing in general. I am also an avid snowboarder in winter and love concerts and travel the rest of the year. You can also find me at Denver Bronco home games- I’ve had season tickets for 23 years now!

Where are you located? What are some of your favorite places to go for food and drinks? 

Fort Collins is a smaller college town so I tend to find myself in Denver for great food and drink. My favorites would be Ocean Prime for seafood or Guard and Grace for carnivorous adventures. 

What is your advice on how to be successful every day?

Bringing a great attitude is a huge starting point for me. Also, being flexible to change and willing to speak up and make your opinion heard when you have one. These are critical to success and building trust amongst your peers and teammates.  

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