10. Setting up dashboards

LogicMonitor Dashboards are a great place to display metrics that you want easy access to, or that you’re watching day to day. You can create different dashboards for different groups of users, so that each group in your organization gets the information that is important to them. Dashboard Overview You can customize your dashboards by … Continued

9. Routing alerts

LogicMonitor allows you to route alert notifications to different teams within your organization, so that the right people are notified when an issue occurs. Alert notifications can be delivered via email, text message, or even a voice call. Alert notifications can also be delivered to third-party team collaboration systems (e.g. ServiceNow, PagerDuty, etc.). If a … Continued

8. Adding users and roles

LogicMonitor roles allow you to limit the access for each user in your LogicMonitor account to just what is needed. Adding roles You can add roles from the Settings | Roles section of your LogicMonitor account. Configure the specific permissions that you want to grant to the role. If you specify that no permissions should … Continued

7. Tuning static datapoint thresholds

Receiving too many meaningless LogicMonitor alert notifications can ultimately lead to people ignoring important alerts. On the other hand, not receiving a key alert could result in service downtime or even an outage. The key to avoiding both of these undesirable situations is to tune datapoint thresholds for your unique environment. LogicMonitor does much of … Continued

6. Understanding LogicMonitor alerts

LogicMonitor alerts will tell you when there is an issue or a future issue within your infrastructure. What does LogicMonitor alert on? LogicMonitor can alert on: DataSources ConfigSources EventSources Web Checks Collector down, failover, and failback JobMonitors Host clusters DataSource alerts are the most common, and these alerts are based on the values that a … Continued

5. Understanding DataSources

LogicMonitor DataSources are templates that contain information about how to monitor a particular resource (for example, network device, database, application, cloud resource, and so on), including what metrics to collect, what graphs to display, and what values indicate an issue that needs attention. Each metric that is being collected by a DataSource is called a … Continued

4. Adding Devices

Once you’ve installed a Collector, you can start adding devices either using the new account wizard or from the Resources page if you’ve completed or exited the wizard. As a best practice, we recommend first adding the server you installed your Collector on—this will allow you to monitor the performance of the Collector. Adding your … Continued

3. Adding Collectors

The LogicMonitor Collector monitors your infrastructure and collects the data defined by LogicModules for each resource in that location. See About the LogicMonitor Collector. This article will guide you through basic steps for adding a Collector. For more details about each of the options, see the main topic Installing Collectors. Installation Settings Collectors are added … Continued

2. Logging into your account

In this support article, we walk you through logging into your account for the first time (and future times) and creating your first user. Logging into LogicMonitor Creating your first user Next steps Logging into LogicMonitor If it is your very first time accessing your LogicMonitor account, navigate to: https://accountname.logicmonitor.com Your custom URL (e.g. the … Continued

1. About the LogicMonitor solution

Welcome to LogicMonitor. This Getting Started Guide will walk you through getting your account up and running. We recommend that you start with this article for an overview of how LogicMonitor works and then follow the link in the ‘Next steps’ section to move to the next article in the Getting Started Guide. If you prefer … Continued