AWS Billing Monitoring – Cost & Usage Report

AWS Billing Monitoring – Cost and Usage Report LogicMonitor currently supports monitoring of billing data via AWS Cost and Usage Reports. What data is monitored? LogicMonitor can monitor the cost of any line items in your Cost & Usage Report. Following are the five out-of-the-box DataSources: Prerequisites Accessing the Billing Files in the S3 Bucket … Continued

Direct Connect

LogicMonitor has one datasource for monitoring Direct Connect performance metrics: AWS_DirectConnect – collects Direct Connect performance metrics via CloudWatch AWS_DirectConnect Source: CloudWatch Datapoints: ConnectionBpsEgress ConnectionBpsIngress ConnectionCRCErrorCount ConnectionLightLevelRx ConnectionLightLevelTx ConnectionPpsEgress ConnectionPpsIngress ConnectionState Default Polling Interval: 1 minute Additional Configuration Required?: No – this datasource will automatically apply to and start collecting data for any Direct Connect connections discovered … Continued

AWS WorkSpaces

LogicMonitor currently has two DataSources for monitoring AWS WorkSpaces:  AWS_WorkSpaces AWS_WorkSpace_Directory AWS_WorkSpaces Source: CloudWatch Datapoints: Available / Unhealthy Stopped Connection Attempts Disconnected Sessions In Session Latency Failed Connections Maintenance Session Launch Time User Connections Successful Connections Default Polling Interval: 5 minutes. Additional Configuration Required?: No. This datasource will automatically apply to the Workspaces discovered for your AWS account and start … Continued

Monitoring AWS EC2 Reserved Instances

AWS Reserved instance offers can be a great way to save money, but it can be challenging to keep track of all of the expiration dates when you’re managing multiple offers. While an expired offer likely won’t impact performance of your cloud infrastructure, it can have significant effect on your bill. With LogicMonitor’s EC2 Reserved … Continued

Monitoring Cloud Service Limit Utilization

In addition to monitoring cloud resource health and performance, we recommend that you monitor your cloud provider as a service you rely on. This means monitoring account level metrics that could impact the availability and/or performance of your resources, such as availability & service limit utilization. Hitting the service and region specific limits imposed by … Continued

Renaming discovered EC2 instances and VMs

LogicMonitor automatically discovers AWS and Azure resources for desired services and regions when you add your AWS and Azure environments for monitoring.  By default, resources are added with the following naming scheme: AWS: Region:resourceName:resourceID (e.g. US-E1:ProdApp1:ib36178943) Azure: Region:serviceName:resourceName (e.g. US-E1:vm:ProdApp1) You may want to change how resources are named when LogicMonitor discovers them.  Such a … Continued

Enabling Cloud Monitoring using Local Collector

Adding a Local Collector to your AWS, Azure, or GCP platform provides the most detailed access to important data about your AWS EC2 instances, Azure VMs, and GCP compute engine instances. Installing a Local Collector allows you to collect full OS and application-level metrics within your cloud infrastructure. LogicMonitor collects health metrics for cloud servers … Continued

Customizing AWS CloudWatch DataSources

You can customize the CloudWatch DataSources if you cannot find the desired metrics via LogicMonitor’s CloudWatch coverage and LogicMonitor’s Collector. Some of the ways you can customize CloudWatch DataSources include: Prerequisites Customizing AWS CloudWatch DataSources To add dimensions to a new or an existing DataSource, complete the following steps: 1. Navigate to Settings > LogicModules … Continued

Setting up custom event integrations

LM Cloud offers custom event integrations that enable you to see AWS, GCP, and Azure-specific events in LogicMonitor and correlate events (such as EC2 instance state change notifications, CloudTrail logs, or Azure Activity logs) with performance data. The setup and details of these integrations largely vary for GCP, and Azure, so refer to the following … Continued

Visualizing your cloud environment with auto dashboards and reports

LogicMonitor automatically adds Dashboards and Reports when you add an AWS, Microsoft Azure, or GCP account into monitoring. This provides you with instant visibility into your cloud environments and includes both overview and service-specific views. These automatically generated Dashboards and Reports provide a starting point based on best practices, but you can customize them for … Continued