About the OpsNotes Resource

Last updated on 22 September, 2020

The OpsNotes resource allows you to programmatically manage your LogicMonitor Ops Notes.

As with all of our API calls, authentication is required.


Using LogicMonitor’s REST API you can:


Resource URI:



Resource Properties

All OpsNotes have the following properties:




id The id associated with the Ops Note String
note The note message String
happenedOnInSec The date and time associated with the note, in epoch seconds format Integer
createdBy The user that created the Ops Note String
scopes The scopes associated with the note. Each scope has a type of device, service, deviceGroup or serviceGroup. A note with no scope will show up for everything in the account. JSON Object
tags The tags that should be associated with the note. Each tag has a unique id and a name – you can either include the name of a new or existing tag, or the id of an existing tag. JSON Object


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