Deprecated LogicModules
Last updated on 13 December, 2024LogicModule changes (including New, Updated, and Deprecated LogicModules) are announced for each LogicMonitor release. See Platform Release Notes.
This table tracks the LogicModules that have been deprecated. If a replacement is available, we will provide it before we officially remove the deprecated LogicModules in a future release.
LogicModule Deprecation | LogicModule Replacement | Details | End of Support Date |
1 DataSources: AWS_GlobalNetwork | 1 DataSources: AWS_GlobalNetwork_Attachment | Deprecated due to duplicate monitoring and altering. | 2024-12-03 |
1 DataSources: AWS_QuickSpice_SPICEServiceLimits | 1 DataSources: AWS_QuickSight_SPICEServiceLimits | This replacement module corrects the DataSource name to match the vendor’s product name. | 2024-2-16 |
1 DataSources: Selenium_Synthetics | 1 DataSources: SyntheticsSelenium | This module has been reverted back to the original module (SyntheticsSelenium). New updates are applied to preserve history and prevent issues with the module for synthetics collections type. If you are actively using Selenium_Synthetics, you should work with your CSMs to retrieve historical data prior to deleting Selenium_Synthetics from your portal. | 2024-2-12 |
1 DataSources: Cisco_Meraki_Licensing | N/A | This module ceases function on 2024 February 1, because it uses the Meraki v0 Dashboard API. | 2024-1-31 |
2 DataSources: Kubernetes_ControlPlane Kubernetes_ControlPlane_Azure | N/A | ControlPlane API has been deprecated from Kubernetes. | 2024-1-02 |
6 DataSources: Mysql- MysqlMaster- MysqlReplicationLag- MysqlSlave- Mysql_Innodb- Oracle_MySQL_ConnectionStatus- | 6 DataSources: Oracle_MySQL_Databases Oracle_MySQL_Innodb Oracle_MySQL_ReplicaStatus Oracle_MySQL_Source Oracle_MySQL_Status Oracle_MySQL_TableSizes | The replacement modules introduce official support for Oracle MySQL 8.x and replace previous MySQL modules. | 2024-1-02 |
LogicModule Deprecation | LogicModule Replacement | Details | End of Support Date |
SilverPeak_Orchestrator_Appliance_Tunnels 3 PropertySources: SilverPeak_Product_Info addCategory_SilverPeak_Appliance addERI_SilverPeak_Appliance | 3 DataSources: addCategory_ArubaEdgeConnectSDWAN Aruba_EdgeConnect_SDWAN_Disk Aruba_EdgeConnect_SDWAN_Tunnels 3 PropertySources: addCategory_ArubaEdgeConnectSDWAN addCategory_ArubaEdgeConnectSDWAN addERI_ArubaEdgeConnectSDWAN | The deprecated modules are replaced with Aruba_EdgeConnect_SDWAN modules following standardized data models and best practices. For more information, see Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN. | 2023-12-31 |
5 DataSources: SilverPeak_Disk SilverPeak_Memory SilverPeak_NextHops SilverPeak_System_Status SilverPeak_Tunnels 2 PropertySources: addCategory_SilverPeak addERI_SilverPeak 1 TopologySources: SilverPeak_Topology | 8 DataSources: Aruba_EdgeConnect_SDWAN_API Aruba_EdgeConnect_SDWAN_BGP Aruba_EdgeConnect_SDWAN_Disk Aruba_EdgeConnect_SDWAN_Health Aruba_EdgeConnect_SDWAN_Interfaces Aruba_EdgeConnect_SDWAN_Performance Aruba_EdgeConnect_SDWAN_Tunnels Aruba_EdgeConnect_SDWAN_NextHops 2 PropertySources: addCategory_ArubaEdgeConnectSDWAN addERI_ArubaEdgeConnectSDWAN 1 TopologySources: Aruba_EdgeConnect_SDWAN_Topology | The Silverpeak monitoring modules are updated with Aruba EdgeConnect SDWAN APIs and best practices. | 2023-12-31 |
1 DataSources: Brocade switch ports | 1 DataSources: Brocade_Switch_Ports | A new Brocade Switch Ports module aligns with the correct port index with the device. The previous module reported the port index as 1 higher than the device displayed. | 2023-12-31 |
1 DataSource: Cisco_Intersight_Licenses | 1 DataSource: Cisco_Intersight_Licensing | In the existing version of this module, the wildvalue would get set to the same value for every instance, making all instances duplicates in most cases. Due to this all data was duplicated from a single instance. Wildvalues have been modified to ensure that they are unique. Additionally license types that are subsets of other licenses will now be filtered out if the parent license is not owned. This will ensure that expiration dates that are being reported, are only for licenses types that can expire. The datapoint DaysRemaining has been changed to report on expireTime instead of endTime, e.g. reporting on when the license expires instead of the end of the grace period. Grace period days are now no longer directly tracked but DaysRemaining will report negative values during the grace period, with a value of -90 being the standard time frame in which grace period licenses expire. Additionally minor changes to date processing have been implemented so additional date formats for license expirations can be parsed. | 2023-09-15 |
1 EventSource: Azure Site Recovery Account | N/A | The Azure Site Recovery Account and Azure Site Recovery EventSources cause alerts on the same events resulting in duplicate alerts. The Azure Site Recovery Account EventSource has been removed to avoid duplicate alerts. | 2023-09-15 |
1 PropertySource: addCategory_MySQL | 1 PropertySource: addCategory_OracleMySQL | Deprecated addCategory_MySQL and replaced it with the properly labeled addCategory_OracleMySQL. The new addCategory will put the version numbers on the resource if a successful connection can be made. | 2023-09-15 |
42 DataSources: VMware_ESXi_DatastoreCapacity VMware_ESXi_DatastorePerformance VMware_ESXi_HardwareHealthSensors VMware_ESXi_HardwareSensorFans VMware_ESXi_HardwareSensorPower VMware_ESXi_HardwareSensors VMware_ESXi_HostCPUCores VMware_ESXi_HostInterfaces VMware_ESXi_HostPerformance VMware_ESXi_Memory VMware_ESXi_NetworkStatus VMware_ESXi_ObjectCount VMware_ESXi_Resources VMware_VCSA_Backups VMware_VCSA_CPU VMware_VCSA_DiskPerformance VMware_VCSA_FilesystemCapacity VMware_VCSA_HealthStatus VMware_VCSA_Memory VMware_VCSA_Network VMware_VCSA_Services VMware_VCSA_Swap VMware_vCenter_AdmissionControl VMware_vCenter_ClusterPerformance VMware_vCenter_DatastoreCapacity VMware_vCenter_DatastoreClusters VMware_vCenter_DatastorePerformance VMware_vCenter_DatastoreStatus VMware_vCenter_HANodeHealth VMware_vCenter_HAStatus VMware_vCenter_HostStatus VMware_vCenter_NetworkStatus VMware_vCenter_ObjectCount VMware_vCenter_ResourcePools VMware_vCenter_VMDiskCapacity VMware_vCenter_VMInterface VMware_vCenter_VMPerformance VMware_vCenter_VMSnapshots VMware_vCenter_VMStatus VMware_vSphere_VMperformance VMware_vSphere_VMsnapshots VMware_vSphere_VMstatus VMware_vSphere_vDiskCapacity 1 PropertySource: addCategory_vCenterHA 3 TopologySources: VMware_ESXi_Topology VMware_vCenter_Network_Topology VMware_vCenter_VM_Topology | 42 DataSources: VMware_ESXi_DatastoreUsage VMware_ESXi_DatastoreThroughput VMware_ESXi_HardwareHealthSensor VMware_ESXi_HardwareHealthSensor VMware_ESXi_HardwareHealthSensor VMware_ESXi_HardwareHealthSensor VMware_ESXi_LogicalProcessors VMware_ESXi_NetworkInterfaces VMware_ESXi_CPU, VMware_ESXi_Disks, VMware_ESXi_NetworkState VMware_vSphere_Info (PropertySource) VMware_ESXi_CPU VMware_vCenterAppliance_Backup VMware_vCenterAppliance_CPU VMware_vCenterAppliance_DiskPerformance VMware_vCenterAppliance_FileSystemPartitions VMware_vCenterAppliance_HealthStatus VMware_vCenterAppliance_Memory VMware_vCenterAppliance_NetworkInterfaces VMware_vCenterAppliance_Services VMware_vCenterAppliance_FileSystemSwap VMware_vSphere_HighAvailability VMware_vSphere_Clusters VMware_vSphere_DatastoreUsage VMware_vSphere_DatastoreClusters VMware_vSphere_DatastoreThroughput VMware_vSphere_DatastoreStatus VMware_vCenterAppliance_HighAvailability VMware_vCenterAppliance_HighAvailability VMware_vSphere_HostStatus VMware_vSphere_NetworkState VMware_vSphere_Info VMware_vSphere_ResourcePools VMware_vSphere_VirtualMachineDiskCapacity VMware_vSphere_VirtualMachineNetworkInterface VMware_vSphere_VirtualMachinePerformance VMware_vSphere_VirtualMachineSnapshots VMware_vSphere_VirtualMachineStatus VMware_ESXi_VirtualMachinePerformance VMware_ESXi_VirtualMachineSnapshots VMware_ESXi_VirtualMachineStatus VMware_ESXi_VirtualMachineDiskCapacity 1 PropertySource: addCategory_vCenter 4 TopologySources: VMware_vCenter_Cluster_Topology VMware_vCenter_Datastore_Topology VMware_vSphere_Network_Topology VMware_vSphere_VirtualMachine_Topology | The deprecated modules have been superseded by new modules that are optimized for vCenter Server Appliance 6.7 through vCenter Server 8.0.x and ESXi 6.5 through 8.0.x. The new modules are named to reflect what they monitor. | 2023-09-15 |
1 DataSource: AWS_MSK_Cluster | 2 DataSources: AWS_MSK_Cluster_Provisioned AWS_MSK_Cluster_Serverless | AWS_MSK_Cluster is replaced by 2 datasources that support MSK Provisioned and Serverless Clusters separately. | 2023-09-01 |
6 DataSources: Zoom_Room_Issues Zoom_Room_Status Zoom_Service_Status Zoom_SubAccount_Utilization Zoom_User_MeetingsQos Zoom_User_Stats 1 PropertySource: addCategory_ZoomService | 6 DataSources: SaaS_Zoom_RoomIssues SaaS_Zoom_RoomStatus Saas_Zoom_ServiceStatus SaaS_Zoom_SubAccountUtilization Saas_Zoom_MeetingQos SaaS_Zoom_UserStats 1 PropertySource: N/A | The deprecated modules use JWT, an authentication method that Zoom is planning to turn off on on September 1, 2023. For more information, see Zoom Developer Documentation. Zoom monitoring remains available via the LogicMonitor SaaS integration. | 2023-08-31 |
Oracle_Database_TableSpaceUsage | Oracle_Database_TableSpaceUsageMaxGrowth | These modules report the same data, however Oracle_Database_TableSpaceUsageMaxGrowth has two additional datapoints. | 2023-09-01 |
Microsoft_Azure_DatabrickAppStatus Microsoft_Azure_Databrick_App Microsoft_Azure_Databrick_AppExecutor Microsoft_Azure_Databrick_Cluster | N/A | Microsoft is deprecating global and cluster-named init scripts for Databricks, which LogicMonitor currently uses for Databricks monitoring. These scripts will be disabled on September 1, 2023 by Microsoft, at which point LogicMonitor’s existing Databricks integration will cease to work. Based on the current integration utilization, we will not be replacing the integration in September. Submit your feedback if an out of the box Databricks monitoring is something you need. | 2023-09-01 |
Microsoft_Azure_APIManagement | Microsoft_Azure_APIManagementV2 | The Microsoft_Azure_APIManagement DS contains metrics that will stop working in August 2023. For more information, see Microsoft Azure Metrics Retirement (Aug 2023) | 2023-08-31 |
Config_Cisco | Config_Cisco_Generic | Combined functionality into single module. | 2023-07-14 |
Kubernetes_Scheduler | Kubernetes_Schedulers | Changed module from single instance to multi-instance allowing you to monitor multiple instances of the Kubernetes Schedulers (in case you use your implemented Schedulers). | 2023-06-15 |
LogicMonitor_Collector_ScriptCache | LogicMonitor_Collector_ScriptCache_JMX | Added new JMX Metrics for monitoring script cache more efficiently. | 2023-06-15 |
AWS_SageMaker | AWS_SageMaker_Endpoint | The replacement module supports more versions of the technology connected with SageMaker AWS service and removes datapoints that were not working. | N/A |
Dell_PowerConnect_Interfaces | SNMP_Network_Interfaces | Dell_PowerConnect_Interfaces was initially developed to address discovery-based indexing issues that were seen in PowerConnect environments that presented collection issues where duplicate interface descriptions existed. These issues have since been addressed in SNMP_Network_Interfaces which also includes stability fixes in larger environments. | 2023-04-23 |
2 DataSources: Cisco_CPU_Exceptions -> Cisco_CPU_SNMP Cisco_CPU_Usage -> Cisco_CPU_SNMP | Cisco_CPU_SNMP | Consolidated Cisco CPU monitoring into a streamlined, scalable module to prevent duplicate monitoring. | 2023-05-05 |
HP_Product_Info | Device_BasicInfo | Consolidated functionality into fewer PropertySources to improve portal functionality and reduce collector load. | 2023-03-31 |
SNMP_Interfaces_Mode | Device_BasicInfo | Consolidated functionality into fewer PropertySources to improve portal functionality and reduce collector load. | 2023-03-31 |
AWS_EC2_ScheduledEvents | AWS Health Events | Replaced the AWS_EC2_ScheduledEvents datasource with the AWS Health Events eventsource to reduce data duplication and CloudWatch costs. | 2023-03-21 |
AWS_Elasticsearch_DataNodes | AWS_OpenSearch_DataNodes | Renamed the datasource and updated metric paths to follow AWS changes, and updated datapoints and graphs. | 2023-02-21 |
AWS_Elasticsearch_CPUCreditBalance | AWS_OpenSearch_CPUCreditBalance | Renamed the datasource and updated the datapoint description. | 2023-02-16 |
AWS_Elasticsearch_MasterNodes | AWS_OpenSearch_MasterNodes | Replaced mentions of Elasticsearch with OpenSearch and fixed linting issues. Note: Historical data will be lost after migrating to this new module. | 2023-02-16 |
AWS_Elasticsearch_MasterNode | AWS_OpenSearch_MasterNode | Added MasterReachableFromNode datapoint. | 2023-02-02 |
LogicModule Deprecated/Replacement | Details | End of Support Date |
Deprecated: PaloAlto_SDWAN_Elements PaloAlto_SDWAN_Site_Performance PaloAlto_SDWAN_Site_WANLinkQuality PaloAlto_SDWAN_WatchDog addCategory_PaloAlto_SDWAN addERI_PaloAlto_SDWAN PaloAlto_SDWAN_SiteEvents PaloAlto_SDWAN_Topology PaloAlto_FW_GlobalCounters Replacement: SNMP_Network_Interfaces SNMP_Host_Uptime snmpTCPUDP PaloAlto_FW_GlobalPerformance | LogicMonitor deprecated the recently released PaloAlto SD-WAN package. Recommendation: Use LogicMonitor’s native SNMP capabilities to monitor Palo Alto Network Prisma SD-WAN Instant-On (“ION”) devices (formerly Cloudgenix). | 2023-12-31 |
Deprecated: Oracle_Database_RMANLatestBackupFileSets Oracle_Database_Info Replacement: Oracle_Database_RMANLatestBackupFiles Oracle_Database_Names | LogicMonitor has rewritten the Oracle modules to be consistent with the other database modules. The functionality of these modules were moved into existing modules. | 2022-11-30 |
Deprecated: PaloAlto_FW_GlobalCounters Replacement: PaloAlto_FW_GlobalPerformance | Replaces legacy DataSource. | 2022-09-15 |
Deprecated: Office365_Reports_MicrosoftTeamsDeviceUsage Office365_Reports_MicrosoftTeamsUserActivity Office365_Reports_OneDriveFileCounts Office365_Reports_OneDriveStorageUsage Office365_Reports_OutlookEmailActivity Office365_Reports_ServicesUserActivity Office365_Reports_SharepointOnlineSiteUsage Office365_SharepointOnline_SiteStatus Office365_Reports_YammerDeviceUsage addCategory_Office365 addCategory_Office365Reports Replacement: Microsoft_Office365_Teams_Device_Usage Microsoft_Office365_Teams_Activity Microsoft_Office365_OneDriveFileCount Microsoft_Office365_OneDriveStorage Microsoft_Office365_EmailActivity Microsoft_Office365_ServiceHealth Microsoft_Office365_SharepointSiteDetails Microsoft_Office365_Yammer_Device_Usage | Powershell-based modules were replaced by the Office365 SaaS integration last year. | 2022-31-08 |
Deprecated: LogicMonitor_Collector_BufferDataReporterLatency Replacement: LogicMonitor_Collector_BufferDataReporterLatencyJMX | This module only applies to collector versions that are no longer supported (24.106 through 29.105). Current minimum collector version is 30.002. | 2022-15-08 |
Deprecated: addERI_AIX addERI_Arista addERI_HPSwitch addERI_Huawei addERI_Juniper Replacement: N/A | Removed redundant ERI property sources with functionality that is already supported in other ERI sources. | N/A |
Deprecated: CiscoMem- Cisco_FTD_Memory Replacement: Cisco_MemoryPools_SNMP | Created a new Cisco memory module that merges existing Cisco memory modules. Added support for monitoring cisco-enhanced-mempool MIB. | 2022-07-08 |
Deprecated: EMC_SystemDiags_NaviSecCli Replacement: N/A | This module was creating instances to store system properties. The data provided by these instances is now available through addCategory_EMC_VNX. | 2022-07-08 |
Deprecated: Cisco_Meraki_Switch_Interfaces Replacement: N/A | This DataSource experiences monitoring data gaps and API timeouts that affect the functionality of other Cisco Meraki DataSources and should be deleted or disabled. Switch connection status and client count remain available via the Cisco_Meraki_Switches Datasource. | 2022-08-05 |
Deprecated: AWS_ECS_ContainerInsights Replacement: AWS_ECS_ContainerInsights_NoService | Replaced the old module that did not filter services properly and reported intermittent or no data for a number of datapoints. | 2022-06-17 |
Deprecated: WinAD Replacement: Microsoft_Windows_AD | Updated WMI class from Win32_PerfRawData_NTDS_NTDS to Win32_PerfRawData_DirectoryServices_DirectoryServices. | 2022-05-16 |
Deprecated: WinCPU WinCPUCore- Replacement: Microsoft_Windows_CPU Microsoft_Windows_CPUCores | Updated to current conventions and now uses the Win32_PerfFormattedData_Counters_ProcessorInformation WMI class. | 2022-04-22 |
Deprecated: VMware_vCenter_Topology Replacement: VMware_vCenter_*_Topology | Branched out into four separate modules to better serve specific aspects of vCenter. Note: VMware_vCenter_Topology should be deleted or set to “false” to prevent interference with new modules. | 2022-03-15 |
Deprecated: Microsoft_Windows_UACTroubleshooter Replacement: Microsoft_Powershell_Info | This module created confusion and excessive alerts. The info provided is now stored as a property applied by Microsoft_Powershell_Info. | 2022-03-09 |
Deprecated: WinIIS- Replacement: Microsoft_IIS_Server | Added new module Microsoft_IIS_Server identical to WinIIS- but with a more narrow AppliesTo in order to prevent excessive Collector runs on devices that will never work. | 2022-03-09 |
Deprecated: Cisco_vManage_BFDSessions Replacement: N/A | Did not provide meaningful actionable data. | 2021-04-12 |
Deprecated: Microsoft_SQLServer_SQLAuthConnections Replacement: Microsoft_SQLServer_Connections | Merged authentication connection checks into Microsoft_SQLServer_Connections so all connection verification is in one module. | 2021-02-11 |
Deprecated: VMware_vCenter_Topology Replacement: VMware_vCenter_Cluster_Topology VMware_vCenter_Datastore_Topology VMware_vCenter_Network_Topology VMware_vCenter_VM_Topology | VMware_vCenter_Topology will remain in the core with the ApplesTo set to “false” until 2/11/22 to ensure conflicts do not occur when importing the replacements. | 2021-02-11 |
Deprecated: MongoDB Databases MongoDB Replication MongoDB- Replacement: MongoDB_Server_Databases MongoDB_Server_Replication MongoDB_Server_Overview | Previous versions no longer work due to a hard JAR dependency. The new modules expand on the metrics provided by the old modules. | 2021-01-20 |
LogicModule Deprecated/Replacement | Details | End of Support Date |
Deprecated: WinService- Replacement: Microsoft_Windows_Services | (1 DataSource) Module is no longer supported. For monitoring Windows services | 2022-12-24 |
Deprecated: Windows_TimeOffset Replacement: Windows_WMITimeOffset | (1 DataSource) Windows_TimeOffset used a collection method that guaranteed a delayed result due to time difference calculation occurring server-side rather than at collection. The replacement is now scripted with attempts to improve accuracy and better communicate the variation in timing due to time spent on our WMI query. | 2021-12-10 |
Deprecated: Oracle_Database_RMANAllBackupFiles Oracle_Database_RMANAllBackupFilesSets Oracle_Database_RMANBackupJobs Replacement: Oracle_Database_RMANLatestBackupFiles Oracle_Database_RMANLatestBackupJobByType Oracle_Database_RMANLatestBackupFileSets | (3 DataSources) These modules created excessive instance counts with all runs of a backup, including those that were expired, as separate instances. Data provided was not actionable and created unnecessary collector load. The replacement modules provide the same data for the latest backups. | 2021-11-19 |
Deprecated: Host Uptime- SNMP_Engine_Uptime- SNMP_HostUptime_Singleton SNMPUptime- Replacement: SNMP_Host_Uptime | (4 DataSources) Combined existing uptime modules into a single new module to remove duplicate coverage and streamline support. | 2021-11-05 |
Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_BackupSync Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_Replicas | Deprecated due to duplicate monitoring and altering. | 2021-12-10 |
Deprecated: GCP_Billing_CostByOperation GCP_Billing_CostByProject GCP_Billing_CostByService Replacement: N/A | (3 DataSources) Gathering billing data via file is now deprecated. You should use the BigQuery modules for GCP billing and remove the GCP storage buckets used for storing billing files. | 2021-11-30 |
Deprecated: Infoblox_Appliance_DNSStatistics Replacement: Infoblox_Appliance_DNSZoneStatistics | (1 DataSources) Deprecated module was querying OID that returns invalid data. New module tracks queries, responses, and referrals per zone. | 2021-11-10 |
Deprecated: Apache_Hadoop_Yarn_Applications ConnectWise_Invoices_v3 DataCore_Symphony_Monitors Cisco_ISE_UserSessions Cisco_APIC_VMs VMware_vCenter_VMDK Cisco_vManage_BFDSessions PacketShaperClasses- Replacement: N/A | (8 DataSources) Created excessive instances. | 2021-11-10 |
Deprecated: Cisco_Nexus_CPU_Memory Cisco_Nexus_Fan Cisco_Nexus_FRU_Status Replacement: Cisco_CPU_Usage Cisco_FRU_Power | (3 DataSources) Overlap between Cisco_Nexus and Cisco DataSources. Deprecated duplicate modules to prevent double monitoring or alerting. Metrics for Cisco_Nexus_CPU_Memory are present in the latest version of Cisco_CPU_Usage. Metrics for Cisco_Nexus_Fan and Cisco_Nexus_FRU_Status are present in Cisco_FRU_Power. | 2021-11-03 |
Deprecated: Cisco_Product_Info Replacement: Device_BasicInfo | (1 PropertySource) Deprecated in favor of Device_BasicInfo. | 2021-10-15 |
Deprecated: Cisco_IPSec_Tunnels Replacement: Cisco_IPSec_AggregateTunnels | (1 DataSource) Use composite of local and remote tunnel addresses instead of tunnel index to prevent duplicate instances. Deduplicate tunnel data returned under different tunnel indices. Customers wishing to preserve historical data should disable the deprecated module to prevent duplicate collection. | 2021-08-04 |
Deprecated: snmpSwitch_Cisco snmpSwitch_RFC1213 Replacement: N/A | (2 DataSources) No longer in use for Topology generation. | 2021-08-27 |
Deprecated: AIX CPU- Replacement: N/A | (DataSource) Provides the same data as the CPU Cores- DataSource. | 2021-08-27 |
Deprecated: Cisco_AIPSSM_MemoryPools Cisco_AIPSSM_Processor Replacement: N/A | (2 DataSources) Unable to report consistent data across devices/instances. | 2021-08-27 |
Deprecated: Crontab Replacement: N/A | (DataSource) Did not provide useful data. It is recommended that JobMonitors be used to monitor crontab entries. | 2021-08-27 |
Deprecated: SonicWall_VPN_Connections Replacement: SonicWall_VPN_Connection_Users | (DataSource) Change active discovery and collection to batchscript. Try and handle renamed or missing instances. | 2021-07-02 |
Deprecated: CiscoTemp- Replacement: Cisco_TemperatureSensors | (DataSource) New module uses scripted active discovery to ensure that instance names are unique and nonephemeral. | 2021-05-21 |
Deprecated: Cisco_Wireless_MobileStations Cisco_Wireless_RogueAccessPoints Replacement: N/A | Modules generate an excessive amount of instances for ephemeral devices, in some cases multiple for a single device. These modules are known to cause performance issues and should be deleted or disabled. | 2021-07-01 |
Deprecated: Juniper_RPM_Tests Replacement: Juniper_RPM_ProbeTests | Old module did not produce unique wildvalues, new module uses scripted discovery to produce unique wildvalues by combining test name and owner. It is recommended that the old module be disabled to preserve historical data. | 2021-04-22 |
Deprecated: CommVault_Job_Status CommVault_Job_Subclients CommVault_Job_VMwareSubclients CommVault_Job_VMwareSubclientVMs Replacement: CommVault_Job_Backups | Deprecate modules in favor of single a DataSource for all backup jobs. New DataSource uses pagination which provides significant performance improvements, particularly for large deployments. | 2021-04-07 |
Deprecated: snmpHRDisk- snmpHRLargeDisk- Replacement: SNMP_Filesystem_Status SNMP_Filesystem_Usage | Customers wishing to preserve historical data should disable these modules to prevent double collection and alerting. Please update SNMP_Filesystem_Status and SNMP_Filesystem_Usage to at least v1.1 before disabling these modules as alerts were not set in earlier versions. | 2021-04-07 |
Deprecated: snmpIf- snmp64_If- Replacement: SNMP_Network_Interfaces | (2 DataSources) All the functionality of these now-deprecated DataSources is present in the SNMP_Network_Interfaces DataSource, along with significant enhancements including additional datapoints, scripted data collection for improved performance, instance-level properties that provide for additional filtering capabilities, and more precise alerting to eliminate alert storms caused by the old DataSources. | 2021-03-19 |
Deprecated: Postfix- PostfixStatsProcess- Replacement: N/A | (2 DataSources) Postfix no longer provides the data requested by the modules. | 2021-05-24 |
Deprecated: Cisco_vManage_ApplicationAwareRoutingStats Replacement: N/A | (DataSource) This DataSource was creating excessive instances, resulting in degraded Collector performance. | 2021-05-05 |
Deprecated: CiscoASAcpu- CiscoCPU_old- Replacement: Cisco_CPU_Usage | (2 DataSources) Released in v.145, Cisco_CPU_Usage performs the same functions as these deprecated DataSources in a more efficient manner. | 2021-03-08 |
Deprecated: H3C_System_Fans H3C_System_ModulePerformance H3C_System_Power H3C_System_TemperatureSensors Replacement: H3C_Switch_Fans H3C_Switch_ModulePerformance H3C_Switch_Power H3C_Switch_TemperatureSensors | (4 DataSources) The replacement DataSources use scripted Active Discovery to ensure unique instance naming, a known issue with the now-deprecated DataSources. | 2021-03-08 |
Deprecated: Microsoft_FailoverCluster_Resources Replacement: N/A | (DataSource) Development DataSource that was inadvertently published. | Immediate |
Deprecated: NetscalerGSLBDomains- Replacement: Netscaler_GSLB_Domains | (DataSource) The now-legacy DataSource produced indecipherable instance names. The replacement DataSource remedies this as well as features new overview graphs and datapoint descriptions.. | 2021-03-08 |
Deprecated: Unomaly Anomalies Frequency Spikes Unomaly Known Events Unomaly New Anomalies Replacement: New LM Logs feature, released in fourth quarter of 2020. | (3 EventSources) Functionality has been fully replaced by LogicMonitor’s new LM Logs feature. | 2021-02-17 |
Deprecated: VMware_VeloCloud_SystemStats Replacement: N/A | (1 DataSource) It has been determined that all data gathered by this DataSource is being reported more robustly through the existing NetSNMPCPUwithCores and NetSNMP_Memory_Usage DataSources, making it redundant and unnecessary. | 2021-02-09 |
Deprecated: snmpFreeBSDDisk- Replacement: FreeBSD_Filesystem_Usage | (1 deprecated DataSource) Enhancements featured by replacement include an updated AppliesTo statement that includes OpenBSD systems; updated filters to exclude /proc and /dev and allow discovery of files between 0-100 bytes on filesystems; new complex datapoints; and support for drives over 8 TB and block sizes other than 4 K. | 2021-01-19 |
Deprecated: Windows_Cluster_ResourceState Windows_Cluster_NodeState Windows_Cluster_DiskPartitions WinClusterResources- WinClusterResourceGroup- WinClusterNodes- WinClusterGroupToNode- Replacement: Microsoft_FailoverCluster_Resources Microsoft_Windows_Cluster_NodeStatus Microsoft_Windows_Cluster_Disks Microsoft_Windows_Cluster_Resources Microsoft_Windows_Cluster_ResourceGroups Microsoft_Windows_Cluster_Nodes | (7 deprecated DataSources) The replacement DataSources apply to the cluster VNN rather than each node individually, significantly reducing the incidence of duplicate alerts. Note: The six replacement DataSources listed here are part of a bigger monitoring package for Microsoft Windows Failover Clusters that was released in v.146. | 2021-01-19 |
Deprecated: CiscoCPU- Replacement: Cisco_CPU_Usage | (1 DataSource) Converted to a scripted DataSource and uses an additional OID to resolve duplicate wildvalues. | 2021-01-04 |
Deprecated: Liebert Power lines Liebert Temperature probes- Liebert UPS Temperature probes- Replacement: Liebert_Power_Lines Liebert_System_Temperature | (3 DataSources) Rewrote DataSources as scripted SNMP; merged monitoring of temperature and UPS temperature probes into a single DataSource; added new power and voltage metrics for power lines monitoring; fixed an incorrect filter for power lines. | 2021-01-04 |
Deprecated: LogicMonitor_Portal_Metrics Replacement: LogicMonitor_Portal_Alerts LogicMonitor_Portal_Collectors LogicMonitor_Portal_Resources LogicMonitor_Portal_Users LogicMonitor_Portal_Websites | (1 DataSource) LogicMonitor released five new DataSources that provide 15 additional datapoints and group related metrics into separate DataSources, making it easier to hone in on specific aspects of your portal. For more information, see LogicMonitor Portal Monitoring. | 2021-01-04 |
Importing LogicModule replacements
When importing a replacement LogicModule, you will not experience any immediate data loss due to the name variation that LogicMonitor expressly adds. However, there will be a diversion in data collection between the deprecated and new LogicModule, and you will potentially collect duplicate data and receive duplicate alerts for as long as both LogicModules are active.
For this reason, we recommend that you disable monitoring of the DataSource instances at the resource or resource group level after you have imported its replacement. When DataSource monitoring is disabled in this way, it stops querying the host and generating alerts, but maintains all historical data.
At some point in time, you may want to delete the legacy DataSource altogether, but consider this move carefully as all historical data will be lost upon deletion. For more information on disabling DataSource monitoring, see Disabling Monitoring for a DataSource or Instance.