Adding Dashboard Groups

Last updated on 11 July, 2023

You can use LogicMonitor REST API v3 to add dashboard groups. You must authenticate yourself before making the API request.

URI: POST /dashboard/groups

templateJSON ObjectThe template field works only for the POST API request. It is used for importing dashboard groups.
widgetTokensJSON ObjectThe tokens are assigned at the group level. The widgetTokens consist of the following:
  • inheritList –  It is the widget token inherit list.
  • name –  Name of the parent group of devices, if there is one. Example – Default Device Group
  • value –  Name of the child group of devices, if there is one. Example – Devices by Type/Network
Example – "widgetTokens": [{“name”:”defaultDeviceGroup”,”value”:”Prod AWS”}]
nameString(Mandatory) The name of the dashboard group that you want to add. Example – "name": "LogicMonitor Dashboards"
descriptionStringThe description of the dashboard group. Example – "description": "Servers in LA DataCenter"
parentIdIntegerThe Id of the parent dashboard group. Example – "parentId": 1