Adding an API Token

Last updated on 07 May, 2024

API Tokens can be used to authenticate requests to LogicMonitor’s REST API. API Tokens (LMv1 and Bearer tokens) enable you to control which users in your account use the REST API, and monitor how often they are using it. For more information on API tokens (LMv1, Bearer) and best practices to use API tokens, see Application Authentication Overview.

Creating API Tokens

You can create two types of API tokens that are LMv1 tokens and Bearer tokens. These tokens are created on a per-user basis.

Important: Any user except an out-of-the-box administrator user role can create API tokens. Ensure to check the Allow Creation of API Token checkbox under Settings > User Profile.

Creating LMv1 Tokens

LMv1 token is a key-based authentication which allows you to authenticate API calls to the LogicMonitor platform. It consists of a key pair (access-id and access-key). Follow the steps to create LMv1 tokens: 

  1. In LogicMonitor, navigate to Settings > User Access > Users and Roles > LMv1 API Token tab.
  2. Select the Add API Token + icon. The Add LMv1 API Token page appears.
  3. In the User field, select a user with role having DataIngestion permission for adding bearer token.
    After you select an email address, the Access ID and Access Key are automatically populated.

Note: An email notification is sent to the email associated with this user if changes are made to the API token after saving.

  1. (Optional) Select the Copy button against the Access ID and Access Key.

Recommendation: Copy the Access key and save it to a secure location. 

  1. (Optional) In the Note field, enter a relevant note. 
  2. Select Save.

The new LMv1 token is created and displayed in the table, and an email notification is sent to the email associated with the user.

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