Audit Log Report

Last updated on 23 August, 2024

The Audit Log report provides a summary of audit log entries. Similar to the Audit Log page itself, the report can be filtered and sorted according to various criteria, such as time range, the user associated with the activity, and keywords.

Note: How long the audit log entries remain available depends on the “alert history storage” level associated with your LogicMonitor account. To save these records or a filtered subset for historical purposes, you can schedule recurring Audit Log reports. For more information, see About Audit Logs.

Configuring an Audit Log Report

To add a new Audit Log Report:

  1. Select Reports > Add > Report > Audit Log to open the report settings.

General Settings

  1. (Required) Enter a Name. Report names cannot include the operators and comparison functions used in LogicMonitor’s datapoint expression syntax.
  2. Enter a Description. For example, describe the specific purpose of the report.
  3. (Required) Enter a Report Group to set where your report will be stored. Matching groups will display as you type and you can select from the list.
  4. Set the report’s output Format, which can be HTML, CSV, or PDF.

Audit Log Settings

  1. Select the Time Range using Predefined time range options or a Custom time range. This time range indicates the duration of time that data will be pulled for this report.
  2. Enter filtering criteria into the Search Filter field to limit the scope of your report. You can enter terms using Boolean logic operators and wildcards.
  3. Use the User Filter to limit the report output to one or more users.
  4. Select a Sort by option to order your report based on activity Date or User.
  5. Under Columns, you can select and unselect columns that you want to show or hide in your report. To reorder columns, grab the icon to the far left of a column name and drag and drop the column into its new position.

Report Schedule Settings

You can use the Report Schedule settings to schedule recurring reports that will email the results to the configured addresses.

  1. Select Generate this report on a schedule.
  2. Select the Frequency that you want this report to run.
  3. Select the time or day that the report will run. This option will depend on the Frequency you selected previously.
  4. Set the time zone for the report.
  5. Enter one or more Recipients email addresses.

Note: Upon configuring or editing a delivery schedule, your report will be generated and emailed immediately if it has not been generated within the last 24 hours. After that, emailed delivery will only occur according to the schedule.

Save the Report

When you finish configuring your report, you can:

  • Click Save to save the report and its parameters.
  • Click Save and Run to save and run the new report to review its output.

Threshold Limits

Adhoc Requests Thresholds (Limit for number of items)


Scheduled Requests Thresholds

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