Manual Mapping

Last updated on 21 August, 2024

Manual mapping helps you to complete your maps and define the relationship between two nodes with a single click. Manual Mapping connections participate in RCA. To setup RCA, see Enabling Dependent Alert Mapping.


  • Ensure you have permission for manual mapping. If not, contact your administrator.
  • An ERI must be available for the resources from which the connections for the maps are created.

Using Manual Mapping

1. Log into the LogicMonitor portal.

2. Navigate to Mappings > Saved Maps.

3. Click any saved maps for which you want to see the maps. You can also create a map manually.

4. On the Mapping page, enable Manual Mapping.

Manual mapping option

5. Click the required node to add a connection between the required resources.

Recommendation: Drag the connection arrow from the source node and drop it on the target node to create an connection.

An Add Connection pop-up box is displayed.

add connection modal

6. Select the required connection type for the desired resources and click Connect.

Note: If you select connection type as Routing or Network, you must provide additional details in the Add Connection dialog box.

Add connection edge modal

You can click Connection details to see the connection details for the added connection. For more information, see Viewing Interface Mapping.

Mapping connection page

7. (Optional) Click Add Resources to add resources.
Once the manual connection is set, you can see the connections in the Maps tab, resources, resource groups, alerts, and so on.

Note: You must save the map if you want to view the manual connection connection again on that map.

Editing Manually Created Connections

After you create a mapping, you can edit it by adding, modifying, or deleting the manually created connections.

  1. Navigate to Mappings > Saved Maps > Select the required map.
  2. Right-click the required connection that you want to edit.

    In case of Network or Routing, you can edit or remove the single network connections.

  3. To remove the connection, enable the Remove Connection option.
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