
Last updated on 29 August, 2024

Any observable or detectable change that is relevant to the management of the IT infrastructure, the provision of IT services, or the assessment of the potential effects of a deviation on the services can be classified as an event. Events are typically identified or reported by a monitoring tool. Events can also be created directly by an application or a service, or by a Configuration Item (CI) such as an IoT device or its management platform. For example, BGP route flapping that could have happened due to faulty hardware or software, misconfigured BGP filters, or issues with ISP networks is considered an event in Edwin AI.

In Edwin AI, Events are data received through collection from event sources such as monitoring tools. The different event source formats from each monitoring system are normalized and restructured into a homogeneous form called Dexda Event Format (DEF). Every incoming event can conditionally trigger a workflow that compresses repeat identical events into a single deduplicated alert. 

Note: Some monitoring tools may refer to events as alerts or alarms.

Events collected from monitored sources are observed changes to the normal behavior of a system, environment, process, or workflow.