Troubleshooting Logs

Last updated on 26 August, 2024

Each LM Logs integration article discusses troubleshooting tips for that integration. This section offers tips for identifying and troubleshooting common issues with LM Logs.

No Incoming Logs

If you are not seeing any logs in the Logs page after you’ve set up ingestion, it may be caused by incorrect resource mapping. Or your LogicMonitor portal may be in maintenance mode.

Incorrect Resource Mapping

Resource mapping can fail when either a resource is not found or there are multiple resources found with the same ID. If the log cannot be mapped to an LM-monitored resource, you can still view and and search the log by “”.

  • For logs that are forwarded from Amazon CloudWatch using the AWS integration, the LogicMonitor resource is mapped to the AWS ARN value by default. 
  • For logs forwarded from the Fluentd plugin, you will need to define the resource mapping when you configure the plugin.

LogicMonitor Unavailable

You will not see new logs arrive when your LogicMonitor portal is in maintenance mode and LogicMonitor will return a 502 - Bad Gateway status code. During this time, logs should be cached by the client.

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