Slack Monitoring (Open Beta)

Last updated on 30 January, 2023

Slack is a community platform designed for instant messaging and communications. LogicMonitor offers SaaS integration for Slack by default, with DataSources available to monitor user count and service health.


  • You must be an administrator of an active Slack account using an Enterprise Grid license.
  • Install the Slack LogicModules. For more information, see Slack LogicModules.

Creating an App in Slack

Before adding a new Slack SaaS resource to LogicMonitor, you need to create a Slack app and collect the app credentials.

  1. From the Slack API portal, select Create a New Slack App.
  2. Enter the App Name and Development Workspace.
  3. On the Basic Information page, navigate to the App Credentials section. Collect the following information and save it to a secure location:
    • App ID
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret
  4. On the Basic Information page, navigate to Building Apps for Slack and select Permissions
  5. On the OAuth & Permissions page, navigate to Redirect URLs. Select Add New Redirect URL and provide a URL. For example:
  6. Select Save URLs.
  7. On the OAuth & Permissions page, navigate to the Scopes section. Select Add an OAuth Scope to enable the following scopes:
    • Bot Token Scopes
      • users:read
    • User Token Scopes (for authorization)
      • users.profile:read
    • User Token Scopes (for DataSources)
      • admin.teams:read
      • admin.users:read
      • users:read
  8. Navigate to Features > Org Level Apps > Org apps program and select Opt In.
  9. Navigate to Features > OAuth & Permissions > Advanced token security via token rotation and select Opt In.

Adding Slack to Monitoring

Slack monitoring is added from the LogicMonitor Resources page. The SaaS Monitoring wizard guides you through the setup. You have the option to add new resource properties to your Slack instance, or to select existing properties.

  1. In LogicMonitor, navigate to Resources and select Add [+].
  2. From the Add Resources window, select Cloud and SaaS.
  3. Navigate to the SaaS Monitoring section and select Slack > Add.
  4. From the SaaS Monitoring wizard, enter a Name and Description for the Slack account. These fields determine how the resource is displayed throughout your LogicMonitor environment.
  5. Enter a Parent Group to add this resource to an existing group. The default value is root.
  6. Enter Properties (key-value pair) by typing a Name and Value. You can also select from a list of existing properties.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Permissions page, enter the permissions that you collected from your Slack account.
    • Client ID: The Client ID in Slack.
    • Secret Key: The Client Secret in Slack.

Note: To obtain the Shareable URL, navigate to the Slack API portal and select Manage Distribution > Share Your App with Your Workspace.

  1. Select Authorize and the Refresh Token is auto-generated. 
  2. Select Test Permissions to authenticate.
  3. Select Add Service to add the new resource to LogicMonitor.
  4. Click View Resource to view the new Slack resource in LogicMonitor.

Approving the App in your Slack Workspaces

After adding the Slack resource to LogicMonitor, you must approve the newly created app in each of your Slack workspaces.

  1. From your Enterprise Slack page (, select Manage Organization.
  2. Select Integrations > Installed apps and select the LogicMonitor application.
  3. Select Manage > Approve this app.

Note: Grant approval for each workspace that you want to integrate by selecting Manage > Add to more workspaces. Enable the Default for future workspaces checkbox to add the app on all future workspaces.

Slack LogicModules

The following modules are available for Slack SaaS integration. For more information, see Installing Modules and Packages.

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