Adding NetScan

Last updated on 14 September, 2023

You can use LogicMonitor REST API v3 to add NetScans. You must authenticate yourself before making the API request. 

URI: POST /setting/netscans

methodString(Mandatory) The method used to discover devices. Available options are: nmap (ICMP Ping)nec2 (EC2), enhancedScript, and script. Example – "method": "nmap"
descriptionStringThe description of the NetScan Policy.
Example – "description": "Discovers devices within the office network for monitoring."
duplicateObject(Mandatory) Exclude duplicate IPs.  It gives details that determine how duplicate devices should be handled. It includes the following:
  • collectors – The collectors for which monitored devices should be used to identify and exclude duplicate IPs, if the duplicate type is 4. Example – [“”]
  • groups – The groups for which devices should be used to identify and exclude duplicate IPs, if the duplicate type is 3. Example – [“Network Devices”] 
  • type – The types of duplicate IPs that should be excluded. Available options are:  1 (matching any monitored device), 2 (matching devices already discovered by this scan), 3 (matching devices in these groups), and 4 (matching devices assigned to these collectors)
versionIntegerThe Id of the device.
collectorIntegerThe Id of the collector associated with the NetScan.
Example – "collector": 145
scheduleObject(Mandatory) It is the NetScan policy schedule. It provides information about the recurring execution schedule for the NetScan policy. It includes the following:
  • crone – The cron schedule for when the scan should be run. Example – 12 * * * *
  • recipients – The recipients that should receive the notification of the scan finish. Example: [“[email protected]” ]
  • timezone – The timezone for the schedule. Example – America/Los_Angeles
  • type – The type of schedule. Possible values are manual (no schedule), hourly, daily, weekly, monthly. Example – manual
  • notify – Indicates whether or not an email should be sent when the scan is complete. Example – false
nameString(Mandatory) The name of the NetScan Policy.
Example – "name": "Office Network"
nsgIdIntegerThe Id of the group to which the NetScans policy belongs.
Example – "nsgId": 34
groupStringThe group to which the NetScans policy belongs.
Example – "group": "RT_check"