Cassandra Monitoring
Last updated on 30 September, 2024LogicMonitor monitors Cassandra clusters using JMX. The following Datasources are available:
- Cassandra JVM Garbage Collection –
- Cassandra JVM Heap and Threads and Uptime –
- Cassandra JVM Memory Pools –
- Cassandra Keyspace Cache –
- CassandraColumnFamilyStore –
- CassandraCommitLog
- CassandraCompactionManager
- CassandraConcurrent –
To use these in LogicMonitor, check your file on the Cassandra server to see what you have configured for RMI authentication, including user, password and JMX port. Then add your Cassandra server as a monitored device.
Once added, locate this server on the Device tree and configure its properties as follows:
- Set the system.categories property to cassandra
- Set the following three properties to reflect what you have configured in the file:
- cassandra.jmx.port =
- jmx.user =
- jmx.pass =
- Note: Two of the datasources (CassandraColumnFamilyStore and CassandraConcurrent) use jmx.port for #1 above. If you use these, either edit the ‘URL’ field in those datasources to specify ‘cassandra.jmx.port’ to make them consistent, or set the jmx.port property instead.
Cassandra Troubleshooting
The nodetool utility is a command-line interface to access the data exposed by Cassandra via JMX. You can use this to verify that you can access performance data as follows:
nodetool -h host -p port -u user -pw password command
See Apache Nodetool documentation for more details.