Update a Cluster Alert Configuration

Last updated on 28 September, 2020

You can use LogicMonitor’s REST API to update cluster alert configurations for a particular group.

Note: As with all of our API calls, authentication is required.


HTTP Method: PUT

URI: /device/groups/{groupId}/clusterAlertConf/{id}


  • {groupId} is the id of the group you’d like to update cluster alert configurations for.  You can get group Ids from a GET request to the groups resource.
  • {Id} is the id of the cluster alert configuration you’d like to update. You can get the cluster alert Id by first making a GET request to the /device/groups/{groupId}/clusterAlertConf resource

Request Parameters: You can include the following parameters in your PUT request:





dataPointId One of dataPointId and dataPointName are required The id of the dataPoint you want to base the cluster alert on
dataPointName One of dataPointId and dataPointName are required The name of the dataPoint you want to base the cluster alert on
dataSourceId One of dataSourceId and dataSourceDisplayName are required The id of the dataSource you want to base the cluster alert on
dataSourceDisplayName One of dataSourceId and dataSourceDisplayName are required The display name of the dataSource you want to base the cluster alert on
countBy No – defaults to host host | instance – Whether the cluster alert is based on an alert count across devices or instances
minAlertLevel No – defaults to 2 1 | 2 | 3 – The alert level that must be present for the devices or instances to trigger the cluster alert
thresholdType No – defaults to percentage absolute | percentage – whether the alert expression should be evaluated as a total number of devices or instances (absolute) or as a percentage of devices or instances (percentage)
alertExpr Yes The expression that indicates the number of objects (devices or instances) that need to be in alert to trigger the cluster alert. E.g. > 5