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Technical Support Overview

Last updated on 04 February, 2025

LogicMonitor is committed to offering the best service for our customers which includes not only continuous platform updates but also world-class support.

This article highlights the primary components of LogicMonitor’s customer support program, including support packages, communication channels, and issue severity levels. For more details support features and other aspects of the support program that are not covered here, see the LogicMonitor Technical Support Overview PDF.

Support Packages

LogicMonitor offers three support packages (Basic, Enhanced, and Premier) to meet your organization’s unique needs. The following table provides an overview of the features included with each package.

Support Features Descriptions

Self Help Resources

You have access to a library of extensive product documentation that gives you insight into all of our product features, step-by-step configuration guidance, best practices for using the platform, and API Developer guides. For more information on our product documentation, see LogicMonitor’s Support Center.

Support Portal

You can access Support directly from your LogicMonitor account. In the event you are unable to access your account, LogicMonitor has a Support Portal available where you can create new tickets, manage previously submitted support requests, or view support requests submitted by other users in your organization. For more information on our product documentation, see the Support Center

Note: To view tickets of the entire organization, requires elevated permissions which can be coordinated through Support for approval.

Account Familiarity

Note: This feature applies only to users with a Premier support package.

A Customer Success Manager and Premier Support Engineer will schedule an Account Familiarity session with you to capture details about your LogicMonitor account. Information gathered from this session, as well as ongoing support interactions, will be noted in our internal customer knowledge base that helps our Premier Support team members develop an understanding of the nuances of your accounts, customizations, or any challenges may have been encountered in the past which can be used to help reduce the resolution time of future support requests. The following information is captured in the initial session:

  • Identify Named Contacts – Identify your four named contacts who will be authorized to make inbound phone calls to the Support teams. Named contacts must be LogicMonitor Certified Professionals with administrative access to the account. 
  • Document Account Details– An important part of our Premier account management is to gather information relative to your LogicMonitor environment so that our team becomes more knowledgeable about your account, usage pattern, and other specific configuration settings that will help us provide higher-quality support moving forward. Details to be noted include any solutions that have been purchased through Professional Services, integrations in use, critical customizations to the account, collector deployment caveats, and other pertinent information Support should be made aware of.
  • Open Case Review – A review of any open or long-standing issues impacting Premier customers will be conducted. Any existing open support cases opened with our Standard Support team will be transferred over to Premier Support Engineers for ongoing ownership and resolution. 
  • Review Support Channels and Processes – A review of current processes for contacting support relevant to Premier Support customers including Chat Channel, Inbound Phone Calls, Ticket Portal, Escalations, scheduling, and after-hours availability. 

Dedicated Support Channels 

Note: This feature applies only to users with a Premier support package.

You have dedicated communication channels that route your requests directly to the Premier Support team 24×5. To maintain 24×7 availability, Premier Support requests made outside of the hours of Premier Support team availability will be routed to the Standard Support channels at a higher priority for assistance. If the request is urgent, the Standard Support team will be capable of escalating Premier Support requests to the On-Call Premier Support Engineer.  

Note: If specific coverage is required outside of the regular hours of availability, time can be scheduled in advance with Premier Support engineers for specific tasks best reserved outside the normal business hours or work week. This is subject to scheduling and availability and requires at least 1 week notice for confirmation.

Support Team

  • Standard – Each member of the LogicMonitor Standard Support team has completed our 12 Week onboarding training program, is a LogicMonitor Certified Professional, and is on a continuous training plan towards becoming a Subject Matter Expert in multiple areas of LogicMonitor or the underlying technologies that the product uses. 
  • Premier – The Premier Support team is a dedicated group of Senior Technical Support Engineers (TSE) with an extensive background in supporting the LogicMonitor platform and a proven track record for handling complex requests while maintaining the highest customer satisfaction. Members of the Premier Support team have also received advanced training outside the scope of standard support that enables them to better handle our customer’s complex requests promptly. 

Health Check 

Note: This feature applies only to users with Enhanced or Premier support packages.

Health Checks are an assessment of your account to provide actionable recommendations for improving LogicMonitor configuration and feature usage. Health checks are a great preventive tool for identifying misconfigurations or inefficiencies within your account that could lead to potential interruptions or missed notifications. Health Checks cover the following focus areas:

  • Alert Settings
  • Alert Volume
  • Collectors
  • Dashboards
  • Devices
  • Integrations
  • LogicModules
  • Reports
  • User Access
  • Websites

Health Check Remediation Assistance 

You have the option to get Remediation Assistance on recommendations identified during the Health Check assessment. Premier Support customers may schedule up to (three) 2-hour working sessions/per quarter with a Premier Support Engineer who can advise on best practices and aid with the remediation of flagged focus areas (adjusting alert thresholds on noisy alerts or collector load balancing strategy).

Pro-Active Support 

For our Premier customers, we offer the option to Opt-In to Pro-Active Support, in which your accounts are monitored for significant changes and other activities that might be beneficial for administrators to be aware of. LogicMonitor Premier Support Engineers will do regular checks on a set of predefined items for your accounts. If any concerns are identified, a support ticket will be opened on your behalf to highlight the concern with options to assist with resolving it. Examples of items to be monitored include, but are not limited to:

  • Spikes in alert activity across the account
  • Increased number of dead collectors within the account
  • Significant variances in the number of resources within the account
  • Outdated Core LogicModules in use
  • No Data being collected on critical devices
  • Checks for Known Bugs impacting customer accounts

Communication Channels

LogicMonitor supports several channels for communication between customers and support engineers.


Chat is the primary communication channel for customers on a paid Support package and is accessed using the “Chat with an Engineer” option located under the Support menu within the LogicMonitor account. LogicMonitor has recognized online chat to be the most effective channel for troubleshooting customer issues; allowing LogicMonitor Technical Support Engineers (TSEs) to work n real time with our customers while being able to share artifacts that make the troubleshooting process more efficient. Artifacts such as screenshots, log files, code snippets, etc., can all be uploaded and shared real time within the chat interface; resulting in a faster resolution. Requests for support via chat are handled on a first-come-first-serve basis, however, wait times are typically less than 5 minutes.

Support Ticket

Support tickets can be created by customers on all Support packages from within their LogicMonitor accounts or at the LogicMonitor Support Portal. In the event of a Service Disruption, in which customers cannot access their account, support tickets can still be submitted through the Support Portal. Urgent priority tickets are managed at the highest priority over any other communication channel (chat, phone, other ticket priorities), and should be reserved for items that are severely impacting customers’ accounts. To help us promptly resolve requests, customers should provide as many details as possible about their request, including specific examples of target areas to investigate or attach any relevant screenshots and log files.

Screen Share (Outbound)

LogicMonitor Support utilizes screen shares to work with our customers on requests that are sometimes best handled outside of text format or need a more guided approach.  Customers on a Paid Support package may request an outbound screen share with LogicMonitor Technical Support Engineers (TSEs) once they have reached out to coordinate via one of our other communication channels (Chat or Support Ticket) and have provided a summary of the issue. 

Phone call (Inbound)

Inbound phone calls to Support are available only to customers on Premier support packages. Premier Support customers will receive a phone number to contact LogicMonitor Support, which can be used by authorized named contacts identified during the Account Familiarity process. 

Status Page

LogicMonitor maintains an external Systems Status Page to keep customers informed of service disruptions. It is highly recommended that our customers subscribe to our status page so that they are notified as soon as possible when LogicMonitor is experiencing technical difficulties. Initial updates are posted as soon as issues are identified and updates will be provided throughout the Service Disruption until resolution.

Issue Severity Levels

LogicMonitor is committed to providing outstanding, responsive Support and will make reasonable efforts to meet the target initial response time for the applicable severity or priority levels. Initial responses provided will be meaningful and related to the inbound support request. Response times are for initial response and acknowledgement of inbound requests; they are not meant to imply time to resolve the request. As highlighted in the following table, issues are assigned one of four severity levels:

SeverityDescriptionExamplesCustomer Success Engagement and Escalation
Urgent (L1)Usage of LogicMonitor is severely impacted to the degree that the product is unusable.
  • Portal is unreachable
  • Portal performance is degraded to a degree severely impacting overall usability
  • Multiple alerts generated where data does not indicate a breach of configured thresholds, or valid alerts failed to generate in-portal
  • Total loss of monitoring, data ingestion, or processing for resources, LM Logs, or Websites
  • Multiple “Collector Down” alerts simultaneously
Support team will engage the Customer Success team in under four hours if a solution is not found. Customer Success team will follow the documentation and communication policy procedures for Urgent case handling-notifying management.
High (L2)Issues with the product that are causing previous working conditions to fail, or that degrade the ability for LogicMonitor to perform primary Observability functions.

Issues affecting multiple resources.
  • Any alert generated where data does not indicate breach of set thresholds, or a valid alert failed to generate in-portal
  • Issues affecting documented API endpoints
    Loss of monitoring or data ingestion for a subset of resources, LM Logs, or websites
  • Loss of historical data 
    Collector performance issues impacting multiple collectors
  • Issues causing a limited performance impact within the LM portal or affecting resources, LM Logs, or Websites within the portal
    Collected data fails to plot to graphs and widgets
  • Total failure of any individual LogicMonitor feature
Support team will engage the Customer Success team within 48 hours if a solution is not found. Customer Success team will work with Support teams, including Support Managers to facilitate communication and resolution.
Normal (L3)Issues regarding product configuration or with establishing new monitoring for Resources, LM Logs, or Websites. 

Issues affecting a single resource.

Performance degradation in functionalities secondary to Observability.
  • Issues affecting a single resource, website, collector, dashboard or widget, report, or LM Logs
  • Alert generates in portal but notification fails to route properly
  • Issues applying to monitoring or adding new resources
  • Issues causing a minimal impact to usability of the LogicMonitor Portal but not impacting Monitoring or Alerting
Support team will engage the Customer Success team as needed. 
Low (L4)Questions of a more general nature or issues not directly impacting product usage.
  • General questions regarding monitoring availability or product functionality
  • Requests for new features
  • Requests for best-effort assistance with graph, report, or expression tuning
    Mobile app issues
  • Other issues not impacting product usability
Support team will engage the Customer Success team as needed.

Warning: Severity levels (and their associated response times and escalation procedures) do not apply to feature or UX requests, LogicModule creation requests, misconfiguration errors, bugs not impacting performance/functionality, product training, or Professional Services engagements.

Premier Support Team Availability

You will have direct access to the Premier Support team 24×5, excluding LM company holidays per region. Outside these hours of availability, when the Premier Support team is not available, Premier Support customer requests are handled by the Standard support team. 24×5 coverage begins every Sunday at 07:00 PM CST and closes every Friday at 06:59 PM CST (Monday 12:00 AM to Friday 11:59 PM UTC). 

US HolidaysEMEA HolidaysAPAC Holidays
New Year’s Day New Year’s Day New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Jr. DayGood FridayChinese New Year
President’s DayEaster MondayGood Friday
Memorial DayMay Bank HolidayLabour Day
JuneteenthSpring Bank HolidayHari Raya Puasa
Independence DayJuneteenthVesak Day
Labor DaySummer Bank HolidayJuneteenth
Veteran’s DayChristmas DayHari Raya Haji
Thanksgiving DayBoxing DayNational Day
Day After ThanksgivingDeepavali
Christmas DayChristmas Day
Christmas Eve

Limitations of Support

Support does not include the following:

  • Development of custom scripts, LogicModules, or integrations with third-party applications.
  • Inbound Phone Support for customers not on a Premier Support package and users other than the designated contacts identified during Account Familiarity processing.
  • Support for custom solutions developed by the customer or delivered by LogicMonitor Professional Services and its partners.
  • Support, analysis of, or troubleshooting third-party vendor add-ons or products.
  • Collectors that are installed on operating systems that are end of life. LogicMonitor follows the Microsoft Lifecycle Policy (“Extended Support End Date”) and the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle (“End of Maintenance Support 2 (Product retirement date) when determining which Windows and Linux server operating systems are supported for Collector installation. For more information, see Installing Collectors.
  • Feature requests, product improvements, or additional commitments from the product or development teams.
  • Non-English language support.
  • Providing remote administration or taking control of a customer’s environment to perform installations, configurations, or adjustments to resources outside of the LogicMonitor platform.
  • On-site support at the customer location.
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