About the Website Group Resource

Last updated on 25 November, 2020

The website group resource allows you to programmatically manage your LogicMonitor website groups.

Resource URI:


Resource Properties:

All website groups have the following properties:





id The Id of the group Integer “id” : 14
name The name of the group String “name” : “QA”
description The description of the group String “description” : “Internal Service Checks”
stopMonitoring true: monitoring is disabled for the websites in the group
false: monitoring is enabled for the websites in the group
If stopMonitoring=true, then alerting will also by default be disabled for the websites in the group
Boolean “stopMonitoring” : false
disableAlerting true: alerting is disabled for the websites in the group
false: alerting is enabled for the websites in the group
If stopMonitoring=true, then alerting will also by default be disabled for the websites in the group
Boolean “disableAlerting” : false
parentId The Id of the parent group. If parentId=1 then the group exists under the root  group. Integer “parentId” : 1
alertStatus A status that indicates if there is currently an alert for a website in the group, and whether or not the alert has been acknowledged. This status property has two values in the following format:
{acknowledged} – {alertLevel}, where
acknowledged: confirmed | unconfirmed
alertLevel: warn | error | critical
String “alertStatus” : “none”
sdtStatus A status that indicates if there are any SDTs set for the group or any websites in the group. This status property has three values in the following format:
“{serviceGroupSDT} – {serviceSDT} – none”, where serviceGroupSDT and serviceSDT will be either “SDT” or “none”
String “sdtStatus” : “none-none-none”
alertDisableStatus A status that indicates whether alerting is disabled for the group or a websitee in the group. This status property has three values in the following format:
“{serviceGroupAlertingDisabled} – {serviceAlertingDisabled} – none”, where serviceGroupAlertDisabled and serviceAlertDisabled will be either “disable” or “none”
String “alertDisableStatus” : “none-none-none”
hasServicesDisabled true: one or more websites in the group have monitoring disabled (stopMonitoring:true)

false: no websites in the group have monitoring disabled (stopMonitoring:true)

Boolean “hasServicesDisabled” : false
numOfServices The number of websites in this group and in any subgroups within this group Integer “numOfServices” : 4
userPermission write | read | ack
The permission level of the user that made the API request
String “userPermission” : “write”
serviceProperties The properties set for the group (does not include inherited properties) JSON Object “serviceProperties” : [ {“name” : “billing”,”value” : “website”} ]
numOfDirectServices The number of websites in this group (exlcuding those in subgroups) Integer “numOfDirectServices” : 4
testLocation The locations from which the websites within the group are monitored. Locations are:
1 : US – LA
2 : US – DC
3 : US – SF
4 : US – DC
5 : Europe – Dublin
6 : Asia – Singapore
testLocation:”{all:true}” indicates that the website will be monitored from all checkpoint locations
testLocation:”{smgIds:[1,2,3]}” indicates that the website will be monitored from checkpoint locations 1, 2 and 3
JSON Object “testLocation” : “{“all”:true}”
fullPath The full path of the group String “fullPath” : “QA/Tests”
subGroups A list of subgroups in the website group. JSON Object “subGroups” : [ {“id” : 15,”name” : “Tests”,”userPermission” : “write”,”disableAlerting” : false,”stopMonitoring” : false,”hasServicesDisabled” : false,”numOfServices” : 0,”numOfDirectServices” : 0,”alertDisableStatus” : “none-none-none”,”alertStatus” : “none”,”sdtStatus” : “none-none-none”,”fullPath” : “QA/Tests”,”description” : “”} ]
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