About the Users Resource

Last updated on 15 September, 2020

You can use LogicMonitor’s REST API to programmatically manage the users in your account.


Using LogicMonitor’s REST API, you can:

Note: As with all of our API calls, authentication is required.



Resource URI:



Resource Properties:

All users have the following properties:





id The Id of the user Integer
roles The roles assigned to the user JSON Object
contactMethod email | smsemail String
email The email address associated with the user String
phone The phone number associated with the user String
smsEmail The sms email address associated with the user String
smsEmailFormat sms | fullText, where sms = 160 characters and fullText= all characters String
username The username associated with the user String
firstName The first name associated with the user String
lastName The last name associated with the user String
status The user’s status. Should be one of active and suspended String
lastLoginOn The time that the user last logged in, in epoch format Integer
note Any notes assocaited with the user String
createBy Who created the user. This may be another user, SAML or LogicMonitor String
forcePasswordChange Whether or not the user should be forced to change their password on the next login Boolean
apiTokens Any API Tokens associated with the user JSON Object
viewPermission The account tabs that will be visible to the user JSON Object
lastAction The last action taken by the user String
lastActionOnLocal The time, in local format, of the user’s last action String
lastActionOn The time, in epoch format, of the user’s last action Integer
acceptEulaOn The time, in epoch format, that the user accepted the EULA (if required to) Integer
acceptEULA Whether or not the user is required to accept the EULA (end user license agreement) Boolean
twoFAEnabled Whether or not two factor authentication is enabled for the user Boolean


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