GD Collector 35.001

Last updated on 08 July, 2024

Resolved Issue

  • Fixed EA Collector 35.100 upgrade issue
  • Fixed collector performance issue

LogicMonitor GD Collector 35.001 is released on February 13, 2024. It is a patch to the GD Collector 35.000 and includes the following additional fixes.

Resolved Issue

Fixed an issue where after upgrading to EA Collector 35.100, script based modules with Groovy version 4 failed.

Resolved Issue

Fixed collector performance issue that occurred after upgrading to GD 35.000 which lead to OutOfMemory errors and collector restart in some small and medium collectors.

Resolved Issue

Fixed an issue where due to the missing [jsoup.jar] file during the downgrade process, the collector failed to downgrade from GD 35.000 and EA 35.200 to a previous version.