Minor release, October 4th, 2012

Last updated on 14 September, 2022

These fixes will be applied to portals tonight, at around 9:00 pm PDT during the regularly scheduled maintenance window.  The only impact should be a few seconds of portal unavailability, and the need to log in again.

Bugs Corrected

  • the voice message for alerts clearing used incorrect verbiage, so the fact the alert was cleared was not apparent.
  • The information in Settings/account information page was not being displayed correctly after an update
  • There was a delay in displaying Services Alerts
  • corrected an error in displaying Smart graphs with non-default time ranges
  • Corrected an issue with incorrect validation of E164 phone number format for UK numbers
  • Web Services could not deal with Services with characters such as & in the name.
  • Native SMS was disabled for South Africa
  • Collector installation wizard was not saving the escalation chain and interval
  • Syslog event collector was not handling the MoreUrgentThan operator correctly


  • The Collector management screen now shows the number of hosts in the collector grid
  •  A bigger multiline textbox to edit webhook payload