Configuration Management Database

Last updated on 01 May, 2024

LMDX can process updates to ServiceNow CMDB (Configuration Management Database) records and dynamically export them to Dexda for processing and storage. This enables LM Dexda to maintain a current copy of selected information contained within CMDB, which is then used for enriching incoming events. 

Event enrichment provides additional business and operations context for LM Dexda’s event processing and machine learning. This also provides the correct record associations for native ServiceNow records, for example reference fields and many-to-many (m2m) tables such as Affected CIs.

LMDX contains a prebuilt Config record for the cmdb_ci table to allow for quick synchronization of core standard CMDB data between ServiceNow and LM Dexda. However, if there are more specific fields that are only available on a child class within CMDB, you can set up that table to be synchronized via LMDX. For more information, see Creating a New table and Artifacts.

Hierarchy Support and Relationship Settings

LMDX utilizes the CMDB hierarchy. If a record in a child table matches the parameters set for a Config record on a parent table in CMDB, that record triggers the parent table’s configuration. However, if there are multiple Config records associated to different CMDB tables that could apply to a record, LMDX will use the closest match (for example lowest) within the CMDB hierarchy.

LMDX also utilizes the domain hierarchy in a similar fashion in the case of a CMDB configuration in a domain separated instance. LMDX can send the relationships between CIs using a simple set of configuration record settings as described in the following.