Container Monitoring 3.4.0

Last updated on 03 April, 2024

Feature Highlights

  • Ops Notes support for Helm Charts
  • Improved Helm Chart Representation

Resolved Issues

  • Resource name length restrictions for the appliesTo function

What’s New

Ops Notes support for Helm Charts

You can now add Ops notes for Helm Chart releases. Ops Notes allow you to add time-stamped annotations (markers) to your graphs. This enables better troubleshooting and provides events’ log impact on your Kubernetes Cluster. For more information, see Monitoring Helm Chart Releases

Fixed Issues

We have fixed the argus failure issue caused by resource name length restrictions for the appliesTo function on dynamic groups. 


Improved Helm Chart Representation 

We now have dedicated icons for representing Helm Charts on the LogicMonitor platform. You can visually differentiate the Helm Charts in the resource tree. 

Upgrade Steps

  1. Install the LM Container Charts version 3.4.0. To install the latest LM Container Charts version, see the LM repository
  2. Run  the following Helm command:
    helm repository update
  3. Run the following Helm upgrade command:
helm upgrade \
    --install \
    --debug \
    --wait \
    --namespace=logicmonitor \
    --create-namespace \
    -f lm-container-configuration.yaml \
    lm-container --version 3.4.0 logicmonitor/lm-container

For more information on Installing the LM Container chart, see Installing LM Container Chart using CLI and Installing the LM Container Helm Chart.