Container Monitoring 4.0.0

Last updated on 03 April, 2024

Feature Highlights

  • Support for Scheduling Multiple Collector Pods on Single Node

What’s New

Support for Scheduling Multiple Collector Pods on Single Node

You can now schedule multiple collector pods on a single node if the collector replicas are greater than the number of available nodes. If you want to restrict the scheduling of a single pod to a single node, in your configuration file, set the allowMultipleCollectorsOnNode parameter to false.

Support for Providing Affinity Rule for Collector Pod

You can now provide a customized affinity rule for the collector pod. For scheduling a collector pod on any existing node referencing the key “name” with the value “collector”, add the podAffinity parameter in the configuration file as follows: 

            - labelSelector:

For more information, see Assigning Pods to Nodes from Kubernetes documentation. 

LogicModules Releases

New LogicModules 

LogicModule Name Details
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New Kubernetes monitoring for API Server.

Updated LogicModules

LogicModule Name Details
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Updated Kubernetes_KSM_Watchdog to fix an issue with Kubernetes_KSM_Jobs and clear residue cache files created by Watchdog.
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Fixed a cache issue while fetching data.
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Updated Kubernetes_Scheduler to remove unwanted alert on datapoint schedulerPodSchedulingAttemptsCount.
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Fixed an issue in the KSM Self Monitor module that was causing the module to reference an incorrect KSM service instance.

Next Steps

For more information on the step-by-step upgrade procedure, see Upgrading LM Container Charts

Note: To upgrade the existing Custom Resource Definition (CRD), run the command

kubectl apply -f