EA Collector – 26.400

Last updated on 14 September, 2022

EA Collector 26.400 released March 22nd, 2018 includes the following:


  • Support for Longer DataSource Collection Intervals.
  • A new property “collector.script.timeout” can be set on an instance, device or group and we use that property value as any script timeouts for instances where the property is applied.
  • We have improved the handling of reporting threads to ensure that collectors with high device counts process tasks more efficiently during heavier loads
  • Improved Active Discovery process for WMI enabled devices.
  • Fixed an issue where some Collector downgrades were failing.
  • Additional tuning to threads assigned to collector methods to help improve collector performance.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where LogFile monitoring may not trigger alerts properly when filenames are changed.
  • Fixed a bug where changing wmi.pass values may result in PDH data not collecting properly anymore.
  • Fixed a bug with Poll Now for webpage resources where larger sites may not return valid data.