v.66 Release: Android App, Capacity Trending, UI Improvements

Last updated on 14 September, 2022

While v.66 includes a number of great UI enhancements and overall architecture improvements, it also coincides with the official release of our first Android Mobile application and Capacity Forecasting.

Be sure to also check out some common dashboard uses and how to decide which widget to use.

Android Mobile AppThe first official LogicMonitor mobile application is available in the Google Play Store.

Designed primarily as a triage tool, the mobile application enables you to:

  • View Alerts (currently only sorted by most recent)
  • Search and filter alerts.  Use the powerful search to limit search results to severity, device, or any data available in the alert message.
  • Swipe to act on alerts -Acknowledge, Escalate, Schedule Down Time, and add notes.
  • Select an alert for more detail.
  • View graphs for the instance that triggered the alert.
  • View Dashboard Graphs.
  • Adjust the time range on graphs and dashboards

Future versions will include more dashboard widgets and the ability to filter the alerts view.

The iOS version is in testing and will be released to the Apple Store by the end of the month.

Capacity Forecasting

We are very excited to announce the initial rollout of Capacity Forecasting functionality.  With this introduction, you are able to graph the expected performance of a datapoint based on historic performance.  All accounts will have access by August 15th.

To give it a try, select a device and navigate to a specific instance. Click the drop down and select forecast.

A forecasting window will display.  You can select the training data (time range used to forecast future behavior), and how far into the future you’d like to forecast.  An estimated performance and 95% confidence upper and lower bound lines will be displayed.

See our capacity forecasting documentation for more information.

Device Search

The Device Search functionality has been improved both for speed and functionality.  Along with quicker results, you can now search by Group, Device, DataSource, or Instance name.

If you type in a general search term, samples from each matching type will be displayed. Clicking on a header, such as Instances(6) will narrow the search to that category:

The search will also update with the shortcut to search for that category.  Options include:

  •   g: Search for group
  •   d: Search for device
  • ds: Search for datasurce
  •   i:  Search for instance

Some other notable search options:

  • d: dev1 d:dev2 will return matches for Dev1 as well as Dev2
  • mygroup ds:datasource1 i:super i: cool will return instances super or cool of datasource 1 on Devices or Groups mygroup.
  • d: dev1 d:dev2 ds:winCPU will return all datasources of winCPI on dev1 and dev2.

Selecting an item from the dropdown will update the main panel, but will not update the tree.  This is to enable you to click around to find the correct entity.  Clicking the breadcrumb in the main panel will update the tree.

Access Log API available

Access Log entries can be programmatically retrieved via the API.

Improved LookUps

Many of the select boxes throughout the UI support glob expressions, but it can be tricky to figure where that’s true.  We’ve started calling this out with an asterisk. Any field with an * supports glob, whether its groupname/* for all your subgroups, or !Group1 to exclude an item.

We’ve also made your options a little easier to navigate.  Clicking in a field will give you a list of suggested results, and starting to type will clearly indicate which items match.

This has been implemented throughout Settings and the Dashboard and Widget configuration. It will be introduced throughout the rest of the application over the next few releases.

Threshold Enhancements

The threshold table got a little bit of love in this release.  The initial display is a little easier to follow, making it easier to adjust datapoint thresholds and to understand which threshold is in effect.

Other Improvements:

  • There is a very powerful All Datasources device dashboard available.  It will now display as the default, providing quick access to all of your instance graphs, and includes datasource groups as part of the alphabetical sort.
  • The status displayed for a group in the device tree will be calculated based only on the devices the active user has rights to  manage.  If the group has critical alerts, but the user can only see devices with error alerts, the group will show as having a status of error.
  • Support for Stop SDT for scheduled down time, effectively setting the end time to current time.
  • Multi day scheduled down time supported.  Where down time happening over 00:00 formerly required two separate SDTs, a singular SDT can now be set into the following day.
  • Widgets pinned to dashboard from an instance that has been removed will automatically be deleted.
  • Full screen dashboards support three full rows of widgets.
  • With Network Traffic Flow Analysis,  you can add DNS information for IP addresses.   The column to allow you to save these changes will only appear if you are actively editing a description.
  • The Google Map widget now displays alert status by pin point. Hover will proved more details.
  • When the Cleared filter is selected for an Alerts Table, the default value is set to All.
  • AWS datasources now support a 1 minute polling interval.  If there is a datapoint included in the datasource for a AWS resource that only provides data every 5 minutes, an error will display.
  • Added scroll bars to all tables where the data was larger than the window.
  • Menus are available in Device Dashboards, allowing easy access to Alert Tuning, SDT, and the datasource definition.
  • The alerts tables available in the Devices page can now be set to a default of 10, 25, 50, or 100 alerts.
  • Removed the Add Widget box from Device Dashboards.  Widgets can be added from the
    manage icon.
  • Refinement for the Gauge Widget, including the Min / Max labels updating based on configuration.
  • Improved anchor tags to make it more clear when a breadcrumb or link is clickable.
  • Changed Date Range to say Time Range, a more representative label for the functionality.
  • Total number of alerts displayed in the Device | Alert tab.
  • The datasource display name will be displayed in the Device Tree and breadcrumbs.
  • Small improvements to the Alerts Table, including better Device links, short time for Began, and a default of 100 alerts displayed.  More changes coming in upcoming versions.

API Improvements

  • Active field included with GetAlerts RPC.
  • More details provided if a device cannot be added via RPC due to a duplicate ID.
  • Ongoing improvements to field validations, restricting inputs to valid characters.  This is also reflected
    within the application.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Device properties were not inherited correctly from the device group.  Devices in groups with properties configured were still inheriting the global property.
  • Active alerts without an escalation chain were displaying in the Cleared Alerts list
  • Removed the Device not found error that would display if a single widget referenced a device that had been deleted.
  • Fixed window event filtering in alert reports, the event ID filter was not respected correctly.
  • SLA report was including extra columns, resulting in misaligned data.
  • A user with limited manage device settings could not delete a device from a managed group.
  • Service NOC widget was always including the top level group when subgroup status was displayed.
  • Read Only users are now limited from exporting datasources.
  • Running an Alert Report with complex filters was always displaying the Changes Detected workflow.  This report can now be run with one click regardless of filters.
  • Users who did not have rights to view Settings were unable to edit devices, due to a permissions conflict related to collector visibility.  Now users without Settings permissions cannot change collectors, but can edit other device details.
  • A limit in number of results returned was causing incomplete Group and Selection lists to be displayed.
  • Long time zones were causing extra white space when viewing an expanded widget | data table.
  • Uptime widget labels were not adjusted correctly if the widget was resized.
  • The default dashboard displayed did not account for the user’s view permissions.  An error is no longer displayed, in it’s place a user will default to a viewable dashboard.
  • The entire collector page no longer auto-refreshes.  The refresh could result in debug windows being closed.
  • Update to perfmon Discovery Method to only require Perfmon class or Perfmon Class Regex.