March Release – v.59

Last updated on 14 September, 2022

Along with our ongoing UI and general improvements, the March release brings a much awaited mobile browser view and a beta AWS integration.  We’re also excited to introduce a new framework for collector upgrades, to ensure you get the latest and greatest when you want it.

Mobile Browser View

Get an at a glance view of what is going on with your infrastructure and perform basic triage tasks from your phone with the mobile browser view.

Access Mobile View

To access the mobile view, go to  If you are using single sign on, you will want to sign in directly to your account first and then access the mobile link.

View Alerts

Alerts will be displayed based on most recent first.  You are able to quickly scan device, datasource, instance, value and duration. Use the search function to look for a particular alert or filter the alert list based on device, instance, or other important criteria.

Swipe to easily acknowledge, schedule down time, or escalate an alert or click on the alert for more detail.  If there is a graph associated with the datapoint that is in alert, you can click to it from the Alert Detail view.

It still needs polish, but we wanted to get it into your hands quickly.  We’ll be adding more functionality around Dashboards and Device views as well as native apps.  Comment below to let us know what else you’d like to see.  

AWS Beta

LogicMonitor’s beta AWS Monitoring functionality allows you to monitor your Amazon cloud infrastructure and services alongside your existing monitored infrastructure.

We use two mechanisms for AWS Monitoring on a specified AWS account:

  1. AWS CloudWatch metrics 
  2. AWS SDK to compute metrics not exposed by CloudWatch (what data is in DynamoDB?  What’s going on with S3?)

These CloudWatch and SDK metrics integrate with existing LogicMonitor reporting, alerting, and notification functionalities. 

For more information about the integration, check out the AWS Monitoring documentation. Before you begin, you will need to contact LogicMonitor Support to enable beta AWS Monitoring for your LogicMonitor account. 

Collector Updates

Collector updates have inherently been a part of the release process.  This has proven to be less than ideal as it can result in a few minutes of downtime and doesn’t always fall within your maintenance window.  To address this, along with the fact that not everyone benefits from every collector improvement, we’re implementing a new update framework.  


  • Required General Deployment Collector:   LogicMonitor will occasionally require you to update all of your collectors, we aim to have this be no more than twice a year.  If a collector update is required, you will have 30 days to schedule the update before we push it automatically.
  • General Deployment Collector:  We will continue to release stable, general deployment collectors as optional updates.  You will receive  notifications when a new general deployment collector is available, highlighting what is included and where it may be of use in your infrastructure.  Optional General Deployment collectors can also be scheduled, and can be applied to some or all of your collectors.  
  • Early Release Collector:  All collectors will first be introduced as early release.  This is an opportunity for you to take advantage of new features and improvements, and for us to continue validation before releasing the collector as General Deployment.  Early Release collectors are not recommended for your entire infrastructure unless they address a critical issue.  


With the v.59 release you will see a button in Settings | Collector Management for Update Collectors. (Note: this new functionality is only present in the new UI.)
Select the collectors you wish to update and click Update Collectors.  The first Early Release collector will be available for manual updates at the end of March.

As optional General Deployment collectors are added the ability to schedule updates for a future date will become visible.  Detailed instructions will be provided with the notification of the General Deployment collector release.

Versioning & Compatibility

The collector version will be clearly listed in the collector management page.  All collectors will be version 19.0 after the v.59 release.  All general deployment collectors will increment by 1, early release collectors will increment as .01.

Multiple collector versions can run within your environment, but it is recommended that your backup collector is the same version as  your primary collector.  

Beta UI 

The Beta view of the User Interface continues to undergo many improvements.  Thank you to everyone who has sent in feedback and thank you to all for your patience as we add the necessary polish to ensure this is the easy to use, feature rich experience you’ve been waiting for.

We’re working on some significant improvements to the device page, as well as adding in some new features for the next release.  In the meantime, you’ll find a number of updates including:

  • Improvements to the device tree resizing
  • All filter options will be stored for the Alerts page
  • Manage button changed to Add on dashboards, to make it clear how to add a widget
  • OpsNote management has been removed from the Settings page.  OpsNotes can be managed directly from selecting OpsNotes on Dashboards or Devices.


  • You can now override the default severity levels that LogicMonitor applies to Windows events, at the EventSource level. For more information, click here.
  • When a host is updated, added, or deleted, the full group path name will be included in the access log to avoid confusion if there are duplicate subgroups.
  • All devices within a group will be listed in the access log if the device group is deleted.
  • The Alert Threshold report has been amended to display all distinct group threshold settings.
  • Groovy version updated from 1.8.0 to 2.3.

Bug fixes

  • HTML reports have been re-encoded to avoid issues with specific email servers that were resulting in them displaying as plain text.
  • Fixed an encoding issue within our util library that resulted in script datasources being unnecessarily downloaded, causing gaps in data.
  • The ability for Netscan to delete hosts has been removed completely.  
  • Windows 2012 Direct Access users were experiencing a conflict with the ICMP id range setting. The ID’s used for ICMP has now been limited. Added config settingpingpool.idrange if users want to specify a different range.